You Get One Guess

Yep.  Of course the Capitol shooter was a lefty.

I’m not going to say every homicidal nutcase is a lefty.

But it’s pretty close.

(Commenters who want to take exception?  Provide solid specifics, or have your comments mutilated for my pleasure.  I can be a graceful host the rest of the year).

Reverend Dawson joins my rogues gallery of Lefties who’ve committed violence on their fellow human in the name of “progressivism”.


Joe Doakes from Como Park emails:

Ron Fournier, political reporter for National Journal, claims Hillary should not be prosecuted because there’s a higher standard to prosecute someone who’s running for public office.
Well, no, there isn’t. But maybe there should be?
Let’s have a show of hands – who remembers a Democrat prosecutor announcing an indictment against a Republican candidate just in time to influence the election, only to quietly drop the charges after the election, or have them thrown out in disgust by a higher court? Any of these names ring a bell: Senator Ted Stevens, R-Alaska; Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas; Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wisconsin?
There’s a law that politicians can’t be arrested while they’re doing their jobs, under the theory of Parlimentary Privilege. But what about candidates? What about their supporters and contributors? Google the phrase “Democrat Lawfare” for an eyeful of interesting examples showing how one party abuses the power of the judiciary for partisan political advantage. Maybe we should rein in that power?
Joe Doakes

But that’d involve giving up power.

And Democrats fight for power the same way Republicans fight for unborn babies and the right to defend oneself.