Columns I Didn’t Finish

Paul Waldman, at the Washington Post

Over the multiple days of her confirmation hearings for a seat on the Supreme Court, Ketanji Brown Jackson will have to sit attentively for hours while the 22 members of the Senate Judiciary Committee speechify at her, testing both her endurance and her ability to refrain from rolling her eyes when the likes of Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) ascend the heights of inane demagoguery at her expense.

Amid all that pontification, there’s a particular phrase you should watch out for that will likely be repeated dozens of times: “judicial philosophy.” The phrase should raise red flags because it’s a signal that the person using it is about to pull a fast one, either to claim they themselves believe something they really don’t, or to pretend that an attack they’re making on Jackson is far more high-minded than it actually is. … The alternative to all this hogwash would be a little candor.

Our current vice president is a dopey gigglebox whose morning calisthenics consist of struggling to find a coherent thought. Feel the burn! She was picked solely on the basis of her skin color and gender.

Now, our current president, whose Biden Doctrine “I can’t have oatmeal before 8 am because I get gassy” will soon be of interest only to the nurses who wheel him down to the solarium, has nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court, the Left’s favorite unaccountable super-legislature. What’s more, she was picked for the exact same reasons as Harris. Given that first steaming example of affirmative action, as fresh as objets d’art on a San Francisco sidewalk, and how that is working out, might Jackson be worth a few pointed questions from a co-equal branch of government before she takes her lifetime appointment, Mr. Waldman?


56 thoughts on “Columns I Didn’t Finish

  1. Can’t wait until she starts in on how much her parents (a lawyer and public school principal) struggled under the White man’s boot to get her where she is today (Harvard law grad).

  2. She was picked solely on the basis of her skin color and gender

    as well her apparent (but probably completely coincidental) predilection for letting pedos and groomers get off easy.

  3. I wish 1, just 1 Senator had the integrity to say:

    “Ma’am, to read the media accounts, your most important qualification for this position is the color of your skin. Would you like to take a few minutes to rebuff them?”

  4. One senator already did, Blade.

    “They have implied you were solely nominated due to your race…Your nomination is not about filling a quota… It is about time that we have a highly qualified, highly accomplished Black woman serving on the Supreme Court,” Sen. Hirono says of Judge Jackson in opening remarks.

  5. It would be nice to have a list of Supreme Court appointments sorted by Liberal Criteria, so we’d know how far we have left to go, before America becomes Utopia:

    White Male – check
    Black Male – check
    White Female – check
    Asian Male or Female – see White, above
    Lesbian – check
    Catholic – check
    Jew – check
    Episcopalian – check
    Raised in poverty – check
    Interracial marriage – check
    Left-handed – check
    Picture appeared on US currency – check
    Has a bank named after him – check

    Black Female –

    Is that it? Are we there, yet?

  6. I personally like how she did not remember the basis for Dred Scott, and punted on the question of court packing. She TOTALLY earned that unanimous “well qualified” rating from the ABA, I tell you. All that’s left is to hear her cackle or talk about Corn Pop.

  7. She should be treated exactly as Kavanaugh was treated by the dems. I have heard that some conservative wags have already written to journalists claiming that she sexually assaulted them.
    Remember, there was no proof that Kavanaugh so much as met Blaisey Ford. Not only could no one place him at the party where she claimed to have been raped, no one could place her at the party where claimed to have been raped. There was no proof that the party ever happened at all.

  8. jdm;
    It would have been better if a GOP Senator had asked that question, rather than man hating, sexual assault enabling, America hating Maisie Hirono.

    One other thing that Jackson gets a pass on is the fact that citizens were not allowed in to witness and perhaps make derogatory comments, like they did during Kavanaugh’s attempted lynching.

  9. … especially since the quote was from a really dumb senator who didn’t even know that she gave up the game.

  10. all we ask is to see Jackson’s record. Can we? No? Why not? Is not relevant? Oh… we are not worthy…. move along sheople…

  11. Heard selected bits from the hearings yesterday. Really got a laugh hearing reprobates reading recommendations for their EEOC candidate from “conservative” retired judges…all of whom were selected by the Bush’s. Lol

    And Maize Hirono is the gift that keeps giving.

    She’s guaranteed the seat, of course. Perhaps she won’t be as bad as the Wise Latina.

  12. What Republicans are doing has nothing to do with the nominee.

    The entire purpose of these hearings is to link Critical Race Theory (the current manufactured bogeyman) with child pornography and pedophilia in advance of the next election cycle.

    They need enraged sound bites on FoxNews and a black face to direct them to.

    It has nothing to do with the confirmation.

    And the media will eat it up.

    I guess the scary “caravans” are yesterday’s made-up news.

  13. ^ Huh, and here I thought “The entire purpose of these hearings” was to evaluate and confirm Presidential nominees to positions in the federal government as the United States Senate is authorized to do.

  14. It’s getting “better”. She declined to define the word “woman”. I think the veil is coming off her juris(im)prudence, if one ever thought it was on in the first place.

  15. The GOP’s main angle of attack is that she had the temerity to act as a public defender. The right to access to counsel is just a bridge too far for today’s Republicans.

    I’ll give Ted Cruz this: he’s working hard for the 6% he’s going to get in the next competitive presidential primary.

    The nominee is obviously well qualified for the post. Why all the theatrics? Confirm her and get back to your day jobs of governing. I can’t imagine a company running as inefficiently as Congress does and surviving. Although to be fair—the inefficiency is a strength there.

  16. ^ Did I miss the announcement when the Kavanaugh-Barrett rules for running an advise and consent hearing were rescinded?

    I mean, I have acquaintances that will swear that Jackson raped them way back when. Or something. When are they gonna be called?

  17. I like 🍺

    I looked through the cases that Hawley mentioned, and in every single one the sentence was below the guidelines because of a recommendation from a prosecutor, because the suspect had either agreed to plea guilty in exchange for a reduced sentence, had provided information on another defendant, or was seeking compassionate release due to a serious health condition.

  18. GOP senators this week:
    • Blackburn (TN) comes out against the Griswold decision, which legalized contraception
    • Cornyn (TX) uses his questioning of KBJ to rail against Obergefell, which legalized gay marriage
    • Braun (IN) comes out against Loving, which legalized interracial marriage

    These same people who, if asked what they love about America, will reply—without hesitation and without any independence of thought —“freedom.”


  19. Well, Emery, you and your dumb ass buddy, apparently don’t remember racist Pedo Joe Biden derailing the black woman that should have been the first on the Supreme Court. He derailed her twice, in 2003 and 2005, threatening Bush with a filibuster to prevent her appointment on a national news program. Pedo Joe has not only been a pathological liar and plagiarist, but he’s also exhibited his blatant racism during his whole, pathetic career.
    So, you two bot boys can spare us your hypocrisy and stupidity.

  20. This is mostly theater at this point. She is qualified, and should be confirmed. Frankly, it’s positive that she’s being asked tough questions. Her responses should give comfort to moderate and independent voters in America.

  21. “The nominee is obviously well qualified for the post.”

    What exactly are the qualifications required?

  22. The President nominates someone for a vacancy on the Court and the Senate votes to confirm the nominee, which requires a simple majority. In this way, both the Executive and Legislative Branches of the federal government have a voice in the composition of the Supreme Court.

  23. “Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman?’” the senator asked.
    “Can I provide a definition? No,” Jackson responded. “I can’t.”
    “You can’t?” Blackburn asked.
    “Not in this context, I’m not a biologist,” the judge replied.

    A lot of federal law was written to eliminate legal distinctions between men and women. Judge Jackson herself is, of course, a woman and defines herself as a woman. She wouldn’t be testifying if she was not a woman.
    Jacksom is not qualified to serve as a lawyer, much less a judge.

    Imagine this line of questioning:
    “Do you have any family pets, Judge Jackson?”
    “Yes, we have a dog.”
    “How do you know that you have a dog, Judge Jackson? Are you a biologist?”

  24. • Blackburn (TN) comes out against the Griswold decision, which legalized contraception
    • Cornyn (TX) uses his questioning of KBJ to rail against Obergefell, which legalized gay marriage
    • Braun (IN) comes out against Loving, which legalized interracial marriage

    Griswold did not “legalize contraception.” Obergefell did not legalize same sex marriage. Loving V Virginia did not legalize interracial marriage.
    Emery, as usual, is dead wrong.

  25. Notice the Emery skips right over the hypocrisy and racism of Pedo Joe and the DemoCommies in general. Janice Rogers Brown; raised in the Jim Crow south, put herself through law school as a single mother and wasn’t an affirmative action Hahvud student. Funny that Jackson didn’t even know that she’s not the first and thanks to Lindsey Graham for edumacating her.

  26. What if I told you fidelity to America requires betrayal of the GOP as presently constituted.

  27. What if I told you fidelity to America requires betrayal of the GOP as presently constituted.

    As with everything Emery, I’d snort and get back to enjoying my day.

  28. What if I told you fidelity to America requires betrayal of the GOP as presently constituted.

    It would be sophistry and totally on-brand for you.

  29. ^ The original understanding of the Founders was to adhere strictly to partisanship over country. You can see this by not reading anything they wrote.

  30. jdm wrote: “Did I miss the announcement when the Kavanaugh-Barrett rules for running an advise and consent hearing were rescinded?”

    You can tell the nominee is used to explaining things to people; she may even be able to explain things to Kavanaugh, if he’s sober that day.

  31. ^ The original understanding of the Founders was to adhere strictly to partisanship over country. You can see this by not reading anything they wrote.

    Also sophistry. There’s nothing in Federalist #10 about accepting false premises.

  32. I don’t like Senators quizzing nominees about their religion. It’s unconstitutional, unprofessional, and would be grounds for a lawsuit if done at any job interview other than a senate confirmation hearing. Although it would be great spectacle if a nominee claimed to be a Scientologist, just to watch the chaos ensue.

  33. Emery is his usual incoherent self today, I see.
    Republican senators should show Jackson no more and no less than the courtesy that Democrat senators showed Brett Kavanaugh.
    You would have to be a lunatic to think that is not as fair as can be.

  34. Here’s an epic mockery fail.

    This witless hamster thinks he’s dragging Ted Kruse, but as they read it, everyone with an IQ larger than their shoe size are thinking “yeah, but that book?” His inchoate mummery and complete lack of self-awareness reminds me of rAt’s papspew before he’s had a couple G&T’s for breakfast.

    Even Pedo Joe’s SCOTUS EEOC candidate saw the trap, and clammed up.

  35. Do you think that Emery is aware of his own stupidity?
    Biden saying that he would only hire a black woman would also be grounds for a lawsuit if done at any job interview. You know why it is not? BECAUSE IT IS NOT A JOB INTERVIEW.
    The American Left has a serious problem with telling the truth & calling things by their proper names. They tell themselves lies and then become furious if you refuse to believe the same thing. Is Jackson a woman. They can’t say because they are not a biologist. Is a fetus a human being? Ignore what biologists say.

  36. I think a president has the right to nominate, while the Senate can only decide whether the candidate is up to the job right? What Biden did is irrelevant to how the Senate should approach this. I recall Republican presidents always nominate candidates from a particular group. That does not mean the Senate can dismiss the deliberations on that ground.

    I think Biden’s choice is a political move, which I don’t like but still won’t go against either. Equally Trump was saying he would appoint a female judge in 2020, which he then did. I don’t see a problem with that either. It is a political nomination not a job posting, so I don’t think inalienable characteristics are relevant here. My concern is more about judicial leanings as that might affect the separation of powers.

    Political nominations don’t always make sense to be honest, otherwise Rand Paul would not have become a senator.

  37. Do you think that Emery is aware of his own stupidity?

    I think rAT Emery pisses all over the front of his pants every time he pisses. I think rAT Emery has stabbed himself in the face with a fork while eating his spaghetti-o’s more than once. I think rAT Emery isn’t aware shoes come made for left and right feet, but has his socks marked with L & R.

    I’ve said it before; I firmly believe if rAT ever falls in water deeper than the length of his nose, he’ll drown.

  38. “Do you think that Emery is aware of his own stupidity?”

    I think rAT Emery pizzes all over the front of his pants every time he pizzes. I think rAT Emery has forked himself in the face while eating his sp@ghetti-o’s more than once. I think rAT Emery isn’t aware shoes come made for left and right feet, but has his socks marked with L & R.

    I’ve said it before; I firmly believe if rAT ever falls in water deeper than the length of his nose, he’ll drown.

  39. Do you think that Emery is aware of his own stupidity?

    I think rAT Emery pisses all over the front of his pants every time he pisses. I think rAT Emery has stabbed himself in the face with a fork while eating his spaghetti-o’s more than once. I think rAT Emery isn’t aware shoes come made for left and right feet, but has his socks marked L/R.

    I’ve said it before; I firmly believe if rAT ever falls in water deeper than the length of his nose, he’ll drown.

  40. Do you think that Emery is aware of his own stupidity?

    I think rAT Emery pisses all over the front of his pants every time he pisses. I think rAT Emery has stabbed himself in the face with a fork while eating his spaghettio’s more than once. I think rAT Emery isn’t aware shoes come made for left and right feet, but has his socks marked with L & R.

    I’ve said it before; I firmly believe if rAT ever falls in water deeper than the length of his nose, he’ll drown.

  41. “Do you think that Emery is aware of his own stupidity?”

    I’ve said it before; I firmly believe if rAT ever falls in water deeper than the length of his nose, he’ll drown.

  42. The people who can’t define what a woman is want to teach us normals about what does and does not make sense.

  43. You can tell the nominee is used to explaining things to people

    I’m looking forward to when Cornpop, that bad dude, shows up with accusations about the nominee being a crack whore. Her explanation should be elucidating.

  44. “The people who can’t define what a woman is want to teach us normals about what does and does not make sense.”

    I will staunchly defend Lindsey Graham’s right to identify as a hysterical, little girl.

  45. Babylon Bee is reporting that President Biden congratulated Jackon for her performance and promised she would be confirmed as long as she remains an extremist woman of color by the end of the hearings.

    Phew. That’s a relief.

  46. It’s almost as if Jackson, as a district court judge, has experience dealing with irritating, performatively rude, mediocre white guys. It makes sense — she may have minored in that at Harvard.

  47. “It’s almost as if Jackson, as a district court judge, has experience dealing with irritating, performatively rude, mediocre white guys”

    Just like Amy Coney Barrett.

  48. ^ It is quite rich to hear Tillis and others railing about packing SCOTUS when that is exactly what they have done. A 6-3 conservative majority is far, fat outside of the views of most Americans. All this bleating about not politicizing the court is just stuff and nonsense. When the GOP decided to only nominate lawyers vetted and groomed by the far right and secretive Federalist Society, they consciously made SCOTUS political.

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