The More Things Change

The Night Writer notes that political correctness is hardly new:

It’s the birthday of poet E. E. (Edward Estlin) Cummings, born in Cambridge, Massachusetts (1894), who became interested in communism as a young man and traveled to Russia to see it firsthand. He was horrified to find the theaters and museums were full of propaganda, and the people were scared to even talk to each other in public. Everyone was miserable. Cummings went home and wrote about the experience, comparing Russia to Dante’s Inferno.

His view of communism was not popular in the literary world at the time, and magazines suddenly began refusing to publish his work. For the next two decades, he had a hard time publishing his books, and he got terrible reviews when he did. Critics thought his exotic arrangements of words on the page were silly, and they said he wrote like an adolescent. Then, in 1952, his friend Archibald MacLeish got Cummings a temporary post at Harvard, giving a series of lectures. Instead of standing behind the lectern, Cummings sat on the stage, read his poetry aloud, and talked about what it meant to him.

It resonates today, of course:

Today our theaters and museums (and Nobel nominating committees) are full of propaganda and things such as so-called Fairness Doctrines and Hate Crimes proposals still try to make people afraid to talk to one another. And if your views aren’t acceptable to the gatekeepers at the Ivory Towers you won’t get invited or, if you do, you get food thrown on you.

Of course, to be fair, liberal commentators speaking at conservative universities face a phalanx of the same kind of hatred.

CORRECTION:  My bad – they don’t!

71 thoughts on “The More Things Change

  1. Cause conservative madrassas don’t invite liberal commentators. Another problem solved by the vast wingnut conspiracy!

  2. AC-

    Wheaton is a evangelical college. If they want to require that all their professors be Protestant that’s their call. The same would hold true for a Catholic college or an Islamic or Jewish one. It has nothing to do however with what kind of speakers they invite to campus.

  3. Sure it’s their call, Old Chad. Let’s just not pretend these wingnut madrassas are beacons of openness and enlightenment, m’kay?

  4. Institutions exercising freedom of association is one thing. Say what you will about it.

    But you do NOT see conservative students throwing pies at liberal speakers, demonstrating to demand that speakers that challenge their world view be barred from campuses, or speech codes designed to silence liberals on campus (on the rare, odd instance where you actually find a conservative campus larger than a Baptist bible college).

  5. That’s cause all those “conservative” colleges use their freedom of association to ensure that students, professors, groups and outside speakers who challenge their beliefs never get on campus in the first place. Mainstream universities should be more open and tolerant than they are. But don’t pretend that Bob Jones and Regent are are inviting a lot of boat-rockers onto their campuses. Cause they aren’t.

  6. So Mitch, as far as political correctness goes, where do you stand on changing the use of the word Democratic to only use Democrat?

    See, the point is, you neo-cons have your own lexicon, secret handshake set of words, and political correctness too, you just hypocritically bitch about PC’ism when it isn’t yours.

    Movement conservative
    Death Tax
    Healthy Forests

    Find a mirror.

    And Mitch, wasn’t Desmond Tutu uninvited to speak at St. Thomas? or did you forget that one, based on his comments regarding Israel which were at worst, innocuous slightly anti-Israel, in that they used Israeli dominance and Nazi dominance allegorically in the same sentence?

    Sure Mitch, conservatives are just better people, I see it now. I mean, a political agenda that has, at it’s core, the idea of self-interest, conducts itself in a perfectly above board and restrained way.. yep.

    Oh, when are you counter-protesting again? Oh, right, you’re not a student.

  7. So Mitch, as far as political correctness goes, where do you stand on changing the use of the word Democratic to only use Democrat?

    How is that a PC issue?

    See, the point is, you neo-cons have your own lexicon, secret handshake set of words,

    …as does every single group of people in the entire world.

    and political correctness too, you just hypocritically bitch about PC’ism when it isn’t yours.

    You toss the word “hypocritical” around pretty casually, PB. You seem to think it’s incumbent on anyone who would criticize ANYTHING to make sure that all possible counterarguments are accounted for.

    It’s untrue and unrealistic.

    Movement conservative
    Death Tax
    Healthy Forests

    Find a mirror.

    Actually, I think I need to find a “PB dictionary”. What the hell is the above supposed to mean?

    And Mitch, wasn’t Desmond Tutu uninvited to speak at St. Thomas?

    I believe I wrote about that at some depth.

    or did you forget that one,

    Since I wrote about that, again, at some depth, it seems safe to reply “no, I did not forget that one”.

    based on his comments regarding Israel which were at worst, innocuous slightly anti-Israel, in that they used Israeli dominance and Nazi dominance allegorically in the same sentence?

    Look, there are plenty of actual Jews who can point out exactly how wrong you are in the above. I’d be superfluous for me.

    Oh, when are you counter-protesting again? Oh, right, you’re not a student.

    And I repeat – huh?

  8. “. . . a political agenda that has, at it’s core, the idea of self-interest . . .”
    The Dems are the folks who want to use other people’s money to address social issues that interest themselves.

  9. did you forget that one, based on his comments regarding Israel which were at worst, innocuous slightly anti-Israel, in that they used Israeli dominance and Nazi dominance allegorically in the same sentence?

    Let me re-address this:

    For starters, if you recall, I opposed the disinvitation. I know, a minor detail when you’re on a mission to cleanse the world of HYPOCRITES HYPOCRITES HYPOCRITES, but I thought I’d point it out.

    While I don’t expect you to hang on my every world, gratuitous mischaracterization isn’t really cool either.

  10. I believe the author himself would have the following comment:

    (of Ever-Ever Land i speak
    sweet morons gather roun’
    who does not dare to stand or sit
    may take it lying down)

    down with the human soul
    and anything else uncanned
    for everyone carries canopeners
    in Ever-Ever Land

    (for Ever-Ever Land is a place
    that’s as simple as simple can be
    and was built that way on purpose
    by simple people like we)

    down with hell and heaven
    and all the religious fuss
    infinity pleased our parents
    one inch looks good to us

    (and Ever-Ever Land is a place
    that’s measured and safe and known
    where it’s lucky to be unlucky
    and the hitler lies down with the cohn)

    down above all with love
    and everything perverse
    or which makes some feel more better
    when all ought to feel less worse

    (but only sameness is normal
    in Ever-Ever Land
    for a bad cigar is a woman
    but a gland is only a gland)

    e.e. cummings

  11. Movement conservative
    Death Tax
    Healthy Forests

    Wow. I googled the first one. Still no idea what it means.

    Death Tax I am guessing is the tax on estates when you die? Clearly misleading name.

    Healthy Forests. Googled that one. I am guessing it relates to the healthy forest initiative. Sierra Club is against it. Reason #2 of 3 is:
    # Accelerate aggressive “thinning” across millions of acres of backcountry forests miles away from communities at risk to forest fires.
    Something that the folks in California might be currently wishing had happened.

    Pro-Victory Had to google that one too. Apparently is a term used by some bloggers to counter balance the anti-war folks. Would loose all its meaning if the anti war rallies would stop rooting for the other side.

    So out of the four, I was familiar with one of them. Assuming I am correct about it, of course. What would be a more descriptive term that peev would find less “pc”?

    Oh, and peev should know by now the world isnt broken up between his side and “neocons”. Lots of us conservatives out here too. We just apparently don’t get the same memos of what the current slang is.

  12. Whoops. I see Peev found the error of his ways.

    “Sure Mitch, conservatives are just better people, I see it now. I mean, a political agenda that has, at it’s core, the idea of self-interest, conducts itself in a perfectly above board and restrained way.. yep.”

    Welcome aboard. Glad you finally see the light. Oh, and now that your one of us, I will share our little secret. We do protest vigorously when a particular group decides to speak. The Fred Phelps klan. Might be a little hypocritical of us, protesting someone’s speech, but you learn to live with it.

  13. Buzz-
    Maybe Peev is right — Fred Phelps is a democrat, and conservatives are protesting his . . . protesting?

  14. Tread carefully, people, or you too will receive the “Shun of Peev.” I speak from experience when I warn you of the horrors of such a fate.

    Oh, who am I kidding. . . it’s bliss, I tell you, BLISS!

  15. “Death Tax I am guessing is the tax on estates when you die?”

    Actually it’s when rich kids get a bunch of money they haven’t worked for. So the “Pampered Lazy Rich Bastard Tax” would be a little more accurate.

  16. Also, for purpose of translation:

    Healthy Forests = Healthy Logging Company Profits

    Pro-Victory = We’re Not Losing, We’re Not Losing, LALALALALALA!
    I Can’t Hear You, I Can’t Hear You!

    Movement Conservative = Conservative Taking a Dump

  17. Healthy Forests = Healthy Logging Company Profits

    When looking for info on forest management, always trust the New Yorker. Because if anyone knows as much about forestry as a North Dakotan…

    Pro-Victory = We’re Not Losing, We’re Not Losing, LALALALALALA!
    I Can’t Hear You, I Can’t Hear You!

    Not so much that we can’t hear you as we’ve started ignoring it.

    For good reason

  18. Actually it’s when rich kids get a bunch of money they haven’t worked for. So the “Pampered Lazy Rich Bastard Tax” would be a little more accurate.

    Mangy Clown, you write slogans for the Kennedy family?

    Who knew?

  19. “Pampered Lazy Rich Bastard Tax”

    I like that one, bitchieclown. But could we just shorten this a bit and call it: “Kennedy” instead? Or, “Bloated Ted” would work too. Except, the turds in the Kennedy family are smart: they move all their dough into trsut funds and offshore accounts to avoid taxes. Oh well, I like the shorter versions anyway.

  20. Mitch sputtered: When looking for info on forest management, always trust the New Yorker. Because if anyone knows as much about forestry as a North Dakotan…”

    I guess you haven’t heard of the Adirondack Park, 6 million acres (translation for wingnuts: about 6 million Applebees) of trees, lakes, mountains and critters. It’s the largest publicly protected park in the US of A. No concrete bison, however.

  21. Darn you Brad…beat me to the punch.

    I’ll punch again:

    I know how difficult it is to find a forest of trees in New York City, bitchieclown. Let me clue you in: If you thin out a few trees…they grow back. I know its hard to believe…trees do grow back. Will miracles ever cease?

  22. ‘Pro-victory’ a partisan label? Here’s a list of the democrat senators who voted for the Iraq War:

    Baucus (D-MT)
    Bayh (D-IN)
    Biden (D-DE)
    Breaux (D-LA)
    Cantwell (D-WA)
    Carnahan (D-MO)
    Carper (D-DE)
    Cleland (D-GA)
    Clinton (D-NY)
    Daschle (D-SD)
    Dodd (D-CT)
    Dorgan (D-ND)
    Edwards (D-NC)
    Feinstein (D-CA)
    Harkin (D-IA)
    Hollings (D-SC)
    Johnson (D-SD)
    Kerry (D-MA)
    Kohl (D-WI)
    Landrieu (D-LA)
    Lieberman (D-CT)
    Lincoln (D-AR)
    Miller (D-GA)
    Nelson (D-FL)
    Nelson (D-NE)
    Reid (D-NV)
    Rockefeller (D-WV)
    Schumer (D-NY)
    Torricelli (D-NJ)

    Harry Reid is on the list. So are Hillary Clinton, Schumer, Biden, Kerry, Edwards, Feinstein, and a bunch of other schizo’s who apparently don’t want to be known as being in favor of victory.

  23. Oh think of all the poor heirs and heiresses who’ll have to pay part of the money they did nothing to earn! Paris Hilton might be forced to turn to p0rn!

  24. Actually it’s when the US Congress get a bunch of money they haven’t worked for. So the “Pampered Lazy Rich Lawmakers free money” would be a little more accurate.

    Fixed that for you.

    Out here we actually had a number of farms go away since the tax for the net worth was more than the family could pay without selling off some of the land. Stupid pampered lazy rich bastards. I would go tell them that to their face, but they usually start working before the sun goes up and don’t end until after dark. And as we all know, the guy that actually earned all that money would much rather it go to pay for the Woodstock memorial puke bucket, than pass it down to his offspring. In fact, I would suspect that sending the money to be wisely spent by the folks in Washington was the primary reason for that person to work the 16 hour days, and take risks with his own capital. Stupid rich person. Don’t they know that ALL YOUR BASE BELONGS TO US? (us being the US Gov).

  25. “Oh think of all the poor heirs and heiresses who’ll have to pay part of the money they did nothing to earn! Paris Hilton might be forced to turn to p0rn!”

    Someone in her family earned it. If they choose to give it to a empty headed blonde, or to a dog, or to a statue of themselves or just burn it, it isn’t any of my business. Nor the fact that she has more money than me give me the right to take it from her. Tyranny of the majority. I would have thought your side was against that.

  26. Oh think of all the poor heirs and heiresses who’ll have to pay part of the money they did nothing to earn!

    Actually, it’s more a matter of family farms – which are worth a TON of money, at least on paper – being forced to liquidate after the farmer’s death.

    Now, I take nothing for granted, Clown, but I’d have suspected that New Brunswick is close enough to Jersey’s farm country where you’d know that’s a problem.

    I’m wrong, I see.

  27. Boohoo, buzzkill! Everybody knows that farm estates worth less than $2 million or so pay almost no tax. Farmers who can’t make a living can go work at Starbux like any other failed small business people. Lots of people work hard – you don’t get a special handout just cause you smell like pig sh1t at the end of the day.

    Oh wait, yes you do. They’re called “agricultural subsidies.” Or in Angryclown translation “welfare for hicks.”

  28. Actually it’s when rich kids get a bunch of money they haven’t worked for. So the “Pampered Lazy Rich Bastard Tax” would be a little more accurate.

    Basking in the glow of the politics of envy, that’s our clown. I don’t understand why he has so much clownish disdain for the pampered lazy rich bastards anyway. The overwhelming majority of them end up as guilty liberals, bored with their VAST TRACTS OF….free time, who decide to spend their money to assuage their guilt in support of all manner of misguided leftist causes. A frightening thing, those types are.

  29. Politics of fairness, Bill Clueless. I pay my taxes. Why don’t you stop whining, for 10 minutes in a row, about having to pay yours?

  30. Everybody knows that farm estates worth less than $2 million or so pay almost no tax

    But you have to actually know the topic to know that $2 million is a fair-sized hobby farm. Two mill isn’t jack when you start talking about good-sized family farms. The average farm on the plains is going over 20,000 acres these days; land hasn’t gone for $100 an acre in many, many years, just so’s you know.

    Lots of people work hard – you don’t get a special handout

    “removing a confiscatory, obsolete tax that was designed to punish steel barons, at a time when labor was plentiful, land was dirt cheap and 70% of the nation were poor farmers” != “handout” or “subsidy” – although if that’s that’s the conventional “wisdom” in the NYC Klown Kommunity, it’d explain some of Paul Krugman’s bigger howlers.

    Oh wait, yes you do. They’re called “agricultural subsidies.”

    Yeah, I know. The stuff I opposed back when I lived in a farm state. The stuff that the Democrats have been fighting to expand all along.

    (Democrats opposing subsidies – that’s funny!)

  31. Perhaps you’ll provide a list of the courageous farm-state Republicans who’ve championed repeal of welfare for farmers. I’m confident it won’t take you long.

    If the farm business is too tough, sell your land to Wal-Mart.

  32. Yeah, bitchie…I’d love the fat-tub-o-goo Ted Kennedy to get on-board with getting rid of milk subsidies. You do realize how they calculate them, don’t you? The further you are from Eau Claire Wisconsin…the more money you get. I bet Tubby Ted will race to the Senate floor to get rid of those, along with Ben & Jerry in Vermont!

  33. Perhaps you’ll provide a list of the courageous farm-state Republicans who’ve championed repeal of welfare for farmers. I’m confident it won’t take you long.

    It sure won’t! It’s shameful indeed – and you’ll troll in vain to look for me supporting it.

    Of course, many of the pork-whoringest districts are represented by Dems, including – shamefully – my native NoDak (Sens. Dorgan and Conrad).

    If the farm business is too tough, sell your land to Wal-Mart.

    Nah, they sell to farmers who make better financial decisions. Hence the 20000 acre average.

    Think of it this way, Clown; Schlomo Abromovitz, who runs your corner deli, can incorporate so that Mr. Abromovitz’ no-good son can inherit it after he dies. Is that a “handout”?

    Is it a “handout” to expect a farmer with, say, a six million dollar estate – which, given land values and equipment costs is really not all that big – to be able to leave the farm to the kids the same way Mr. Abromovitz does?

    Oh, yeah – before you respond with the obvious, family farms are usually barred from incorporation.

    So why should Schlomo, who runs a typical-sized business in his market, get a break that a farmer in Nebraska can’t?

    Because the chattering classes know where they get their latkes in the morning, but they have idea where their spaghetti or beef or arugula or oatmeal or table sugar come from?

  34. do realize how they calculate them, don’t you?

    Not to answer for the Clown – but I don’t believe he cares where his food comes from, as long as it shows up at the A’nP on time.

  35. Dunno who you’re quoting with “handout” there Mitch. Or are you like the Korean market on my corner who, comically, advertises “fresh” spinach?

    Thanks for the lesson, but I’m pretty sure I knew that food comes from farms when I was three. We had a book: Seeds, plants, harvest, Pilgrims and Indians. Got that.

    What you need to do is convince me why I should give a crap that some boob who can’t make money growing corn goes out of business any more than I care about some boob who can’t make a go of his dry cleaning business. Otherwise, somebody has to pay for these expensive wars you wingnuts are so fond of. And I don’t think I should pay more to give a free ride to somebody who just got a $20 million estate from dear departed daddy.

  36. Mitch answered: “Not to answer for the Clown – but I don’t believe he cares where his food comes from, as long as it shows up at the A’nP on time.”

    Surprise, you’re right! I don’t care where my food comes from. Food is a commodity, just like oil or gold or frozen concentrated orange juice (“stop the machines!”) I don’t grow my own food any more than I built my car. And I suspect the same is true of you, Farmer Ted.

  37. …but bitchieboy…if you don’t care where your commodities come from, why can’t we thin out the trees (commodity: Lumber!!!). Why do YOU care where it comes from? HMMMMMM!

  38. Mitch, accounting for ALL counter-arguments .. well that’s a strawman I didn’t create, but you effectively account for NONE, jumping to an extreme end is unrealistic, and untrue.. if you’re looking.

    Using Democrat in lieu of proplerly using Democratic is EXACTLY a PC issue, it’s politically incorrect in your circle to use Democratic, it’s juvenile too, but tell me that it’s not the nom d’ guer (sic) that you all have chosen because you WANT to – Democratic is seen as a taboo. PC at it’s height.

    Second, you CLAIMED that conservative students don’t protest or that conservatives don’t act out to squelch opinion they don’t agree with.. oh really, so I guess Tutu wasn’t disinvited right? That was the point. The fact that you wrote about it “at some depth in the past” is meaningless when you then later claim that conservatives “don’t do this or that”, when you know FULL WELL they do. Your comment then isn’t ignorant, it’s disingenuous, at best. The rest of the ‘terms’ I named were examples of changes in terminology that the Republcans (neo-cons really) have embraced that were done for nothing OTHER than political convenience. Either of identification, or of wanting to change the tone to something other than what might have been seen as a negative. The point being, you all engage in PC’isms every bit as much as anyone else, maybe more.

    Next – Mitch you don’t like being called a hypocrite, yet you routinely complain about things you later admit you know your party is doing as well. So, when you complain, I point it out, so that the sanctimony that you exude from every post, can be exposed as hollow, but more important, that the hatred you justify by those same criticism, can MAYBE possibly, be exposed as unjustified, so that MAYBE possibly, instead of pretending you don’t have the same flaws, we could have a discussion.

    I get you don’t want one, but some people, me, Troy, Buzz, AC even, Rick certainly, we do. See we don’t like hate, we’re not here for just insults, or to learn only to condescend. You talk about wanting it, but I’ve never, once seen it.

    And you know, Mitch, as far as excuses go (of which you accused me of making regarding my cavalier attitude about typos) – let’s see..

    “It sure won’t! It’s shameful indeed – and you’ll troll in vain to look for me supporting it.

    Of course, many of the pork-whoringest districts are represented by Dems, including – shamefully – my native NoDak (Sens. Dorgan and Conrad).”

    So apparently, it’s … well Republicans don’t, but then again neither do Dems.. they’re hypocrites or whomever should be aware that the Dems aren’t either….

    In this case, Mitch, first, there’s (your) excuse offered for Republicans (Democrats do it too), and oh, let’s see a complaint about the hypocrisy of only looking at Republicans, and oh, let’s see, pointing out that the argument has two sides. So, can you explain maybe, possibly, how it is okey dokey for you to do the exact same thing in your reply, that you complain about me doing to you, when so frequently your arguments are so decidedly one-sided? I don’t offer excuses for Democrats – Hilary Clinton is a lousy candidate. I even name several I think suck. So Mitch, which Republicans will you be glad to see fall in Minnesota? Any? Or, are you as you have been ably described by more than just me, just another Republican mouthpiece?

  39. Dave babbled: “…but bitchieboy…if you don’t care where your commodities come from, why can’t we thin out the trees (commodity: Lumber!!!). Why do YOU care where it comes from? HMMMMMM!”

    That is breathtakingly stupid, Dave. Congratulations. Angryclown is at a loss to respond.

  40. Peev said: “I get you don’t want one, but some people, me, Troy, Buzz, AC even, Rick certainly, we do. See we don’t like hate, we’re not here for just insults, or to learn only to condescend.”

    Actually Angryclown loves hate and insults.

  41. Just can’t keep all your twisted logic straight, can ya bitchieboy?

    First, you whine about the fact that logging is creating profits for somebody, then you say you don’t care about where a commodity comes from…as long as you can get it “on time”.

    Which is it? You complain about the source of a commodity out of one corner of you curled lips…then say you don’t care where the commodity comes from out of the other corner.

  42. That, and AC can receive hate and insults as well as dole them out, whereas Peev gets insulted and goes crying to Mitch about the unfairness of it all and, not receiving satisfaction through that whiney route, unveils his patented “Shun Machine,” which has provided me with no end of amusement.

  43. Mitch, accounting for ALL counter-arguments .. well that’s a strawman I didn’t create, but you effectively account for NONE, jumping to an extreme end is unrealistic, and untrue.. if you’re looking.


    You barber endlessly about my not undercutting my points for you (like, why?), and now you skitter away from it?

    Using Democrat in lieu of proplerly using Democratic is EXACTLY a PC issue

    Rubbish. Democrats are not a ‘protected class’. They have never been subjected to any kind of discrimination. It has nothing, indeed, less than nothing, to do with “PC”. It’s merely a bunch of conservative commentators failing to follow the DNC’s branding guidelines.


    Second, you CLAIMED that conservative students don’t protest or that conservatives don’t act out to squelch opinion they don’t agree with..

    I said or implied no such thing.

    oh really, so I guess Tutu wasn’t disinvited right?

    PB, this isn’t even funny anymore. I wrote about it here. Read it before commenting further on Tutu in this space.

    That was the point. The fact that you wrote about it “at some depth in the past” is meaningless when you then later claim that conservatives “don’t do this or that”, when you know FULL WELL they do.

    Are you saying you think Saint Thomas’ leadership is conservative?

    That might explain a lot!

    Your comment then isn’t ignorant, it’s disingenuous, at best. Actually, given that you’ve completely misattributed my statement AND its context, it’s your statement that is ignorant.

    The rest of the ‘terms’ I named were examples of changes in terminology that the Republcans (neo-cons really) have embraced that were done for nothing OTHER than political convenience. Either of identification, or of wanting to change the tone to something other than what might have been seen as a negative.

    Gosh. Building a message, and staying on it! Shocking!

    we could have a discussion. I get you don’t want one, but some people, me, Troy, Buzz, AC even, Rick certainly, we do. See we don’t like hate, we’re not here for just insults, or to learn only to condescend. You talk about wanting it, but I’ve never, once seen it.

    No, P, you just haven’t seen acquiescence to your point of view.

    So apparently, it’s … well Republicans don’t, but then again neither do Dems.. they’re hypocrites or whomever should be aware that the Dems aren’t either….

    Please take this in the spirit in which this is intended; I haven’t the vaguest idea what that sentence means.

    I don’t offer excuses for Democrats – Hilary Clinton is a lousy candidate. I even name several I think suck. So Mitch, which Republicans will you be glad to see fall in Minnesota?

    I’ve been quite clear about that in the past, too. Check back and see if you can find the answer. It’s out there.

    Any? Or, are you as you have been ably described by more than just me, just another Republican mouthpiece?

    Nobody has ever “ably” described me as any such thing, since it’s simply untrue. You’re seeing what you want to see, and ignoring (or inverting) the rest.

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