
October 10, 2006

Spoiler Alert!

Dale Amon at Samizdata gives away the "cliffhanger ending" of the movie Death of a President. Follow the link to read it.

Hint: It's not really very plausible.

In fact, says Samizdata...:

If I were writing such a script, I would make the killer a Cindy Sheehan follower. There are loads of serious nutcases around - you can find hundreds of them on certain web sites - who no doubt day dream about doing something like this. The attempt on President Ford and the wounding of President Reagan were both done by fruitcakes. It is almost certain the biggest threat to George Bush would similarly be a nut.
Go read DU if you want a glimpse into a world full of people for whom the ends justify the means - as long as they involve the elected Administration of this democracy.

Posted by Mitch at October 10, 2006 06:04 AM | TrackBack

"if you want a glimpse into a world full of people for whom the ends justify the means"

I don't have to go any further then the Right wing Trifecta for that. MDE, KvM and SitD.

finis coronat opus


Posted by: Flash at October 10, 2006 06:32 AM

I'm part of a trifecta?

Who knew?

Que vocimus "non-sequitur"?

Posted by: mitch at October 10, 2006 06:41 AM

More an "Unholy Trinity." "Satanic Hat Trick," perhaps.

Posted by: angryclown at October 10, 2006 03:42 PM
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