
October 09, 2006

On Ice

Crime is up Duluth'.

In all categories but rape, crime is up sharply in cold, isolated Duluth, Minnesota's fourth-largest city.

The perpetrators?

Much of Duluth's new crime involves turf struggles and carryover bad blood among gang members relocated to Duluth from the Twin Cities and beyond, Chief Hanson said.

And why are gangs flocking to, of all places, Duluth?

It's worth noting that that Duluth is among the most rigidly-DFL strongholds in the state. Duluth's city government makes Minneapolis look downright sane.

Easy pickings.

Posted by Mitch at October 9, 2006 06:42 AM | TrackBack

I wonder if they've also got an enabling, plead-'em-down DA up there helping matters.

Posted by: Pants at October 9, 2006 12:13 PM

Duluth has always had a host of problems all its own, and these have never been solved; they've barely ever even been addressed. Add in a bunch of newcomers used to much, much worse environments creating even more trouble and a weak mayor, weak police force, and soft, weak judges - the result is inevitable.
It's starting to become clear that our public policing systems are not getting the job done. Law enforcement, corrections
and the judiciary are everywhere failing in their roles. There are too many holes in the boat, and something has to change, or there is sooner or later going to be chaos. When the good guys run out of places where they can go to try and run away from crime, they will have to stop running, turn around and take a stand. And that's where the chaos is going to come in.

Posted by: PaulC at October 10, 2006 01:02 PM
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