
October 08, 2006

Speaking of Which...

Happy Fiftieth Birthday, Southdale Center, the world's first enclosed shopping mall!

Without you, tucked away in posh Edina, and your thousands of imitators, the 'burbs wouldn't be anywhere near as 'burby!

Ironically, the mall was intended to be...a socialist icon!

[Southdale's designer, architect Victor] Gruen was a European style socialist; he hated the suburban lifestyle of 1950's America, and wanted to design a building that would bring people together into a community, by providing a meeting place that American towns lacked. They would come together to shop, drink coffee, and socialize. It was never his intention to design what some consider an icon of capitalism.
So there you have it - the commies are at the root of the 'burbs' greatest symbol!

I knew it!

Posted by Mitch at October 8, 2006 11:53 AM | TrackBack

From Southdale to the MOA. Considering our weather, it really does make sense that the enclosed shopping mall was born here. The designer might not have been a capitalist, but he was still a genius.

Posted by: Jason at October 8, 2006 01:28 PM

I've been making that joke (suburban excess being a sign of communism) for years. Didn't know that there was a grain of truth to it.

Posted by: peter at October 8, 2006 08:22 PM

Today, it's a haven for gangs and crime.

"Thefts calls at Southdale have jumped 66 percent from January to May 2006, and disturbance calls are up 33 percent, according to Mike Siitari, Edina's police chief. "For police services in Edina," says Siitari, "Southdale is where it's happening."

Posted by: Nancy at October 9, 2006 08:30 AM

Buildings all the same color, soulless and un-inpsired architecture and a deep commitment to conform, yep the burbs are the America equivalent of a Soviet Housing block.

I always knew that there was some creppy stuff going on in the Burbs.

The only issue is that they vote conservative. I guess living in a such depressing surroundings makes them appreciate freedom more?

Posted by: Tracy at October 9, 2006 04:13 PM
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