
October 04, 2006


Along with every significant Republican, Ed and I tossed Mark Foley under the bus on the NARN show this past Saturday. He's out of office, and the law will take its course with him. Good riddance. You will find not one significant Republican who says anything different.

And there is no evidence that House GOP leadership knew about anything other than the emails, for which the leadership disciplined Foley last year.

Now - given that the St. Petersburg Times sat on this story for a year, and that some of the IM messages go back three years, I think it's time for Democrats to join in the fun. Why did this story get to ABC's Brian Ross a month before the election - a textbook "October Surprise"? How many other pages were exposed, as it were, to Foley during the months, maybe years, that it appears someone sat on this story?

Because if it turns out that some pinhead Democrat staffer sat on this information for political purposes, it's despicable; the Democrats will deserve every bit of blowback that they get from it.

Mike Foley's career is over. Justifiably so. And if anyone covered this up until it was politically useful, it'll be just as justifiable for theirs to be over, too.

Posted by Mitch at October 4, 2006 07:05 AM | TrackBack

Really. That's the best you can do after waiting for direction from above since Friday? Good luck with that!

Posted by: angryclown at October 4, 2006 07:41 AM

AC - we're not Democrats. We don't speak in a unified voice out of fear of being replaced on the ballot if we have an unapproved thought.

Anyway, I noticed a TV ad from Patty Wetterling going after the GOP on this issue (if sex scandals can be issues -- I think we disproved that idea back in '98) last night. That's a quick turnaround, and pretty tacky on her part.

Posted by: David Poe at October 4, 2006 07:58 AM

The Republican leadership knew about the "overly friendly" emails for over a year and now we hear that the House pages knew enough to stay clear as far back as 1995.

Republicans had enough "evidence" to correct this problem at least a year ago but chose not to. Why?

Also Mitch, the IM messages go back three years. that would be 2003. Wasn't there some election thingy that happened in 2004?

If there is some grand conspiracy to influence elections, you need to look inside your own party.

I know plenty of soon to be former Republicans who are disgusted enough with the Republican party to inflict this type of damage.

After all, it's people in Bush's own intelligence community that keeps leaking inf0rmation...

Posted by: Doug at October 4, 2006 08:02 AM

Quoth the bonehead: "AC - we're not Democrats. We don't speak in a unified voice out of fear of being replaced on the ballot if we have an unapproved thought."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hooo, that was a good one, Edgar Allen!

Posted by: angryclown at October 4, 2006 08:03 AM

The only certainty greater than that the Republicans will once again fail to provide an adequate showing in yet another media kabuki, is that the Democrats will once again take this failure as encouragement to screech and overreach.

For instance, Angryclown typing "HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Never thought I'd see the day. When the folks in the cheap seats start donning protective gear, it's time to demonstrate a little nuance.

Posted by: Brian Jones at October 4, 2006 08:10 AM

Doug, did you read that Tom Reynolds' staffer (who used to work for Foley) tried to get ABC to spike the story. Tsk, tsk. And did you see how Rep. Boehner (yeah, that's pronounced "Bay-nor") tried to throw Coach Hastert under a bus?

Posted by: angryclown at October 4, 2006 08:11 AM

"Republicans had enough "evidence" to correct this problem at least a year ago but chose not to. Why?"

They did. Hastert reprimanded Foley for the emails.

"Also Mitch, the IM messages go back three years. that would be 2003. Wasn't there some election thingy that happened in 2004?"

Non-sequitur. There is no evidence that the GOP at any level knew about the IMs at all.

But if the Dems did...when?

"After all, it's people in Bush's own intelligence community that keeps leaking inf0rmation..."

Non-sequitur, and nonsense to boot. The CIA and State Dept bureacracy skews left, and always has.

You may now commence the usual ratcheting of your claims back to reality.

Posted by: mitch at October 4, 2006 08:12 AM


Now that we are in "Just win, Baby. Nothing else matters." mode, I wonder how you feel about the obvious fact that Rush Limbaugh has now thrown his dog into this fight. All I can say is this: You better hope your own PR people have got ready-to-made talking points for just about every occasion.

For you may find your own party's dirty laundry aired on a near-daily basis, and you might be stunned at how very recent it is.

Posted by: Brad S at October 4, 2006 08:14 AM

Do you play lacrosse, "Brian Jones"? Can you send me a pic?

Posted by: angryclown at October 4, 2006 08:18 AM

Mitch damage-controlled: "Non-sequitur. There is no evidence that the GOP at any level knew about the IMs at all."

I'm sure most voters will absorb that nuance, Mitch. You know, after somebody tells 'em there aren't any WMDs in Iraq. And where Iraq is. And where Florida is...

Sounds like you're soft on child molesters, Mitch.

Posted by: angryclown at October 4, 2006 08:23 AM

Lacrosse? Sounds French.

Posted by: Brian Jones at October 4, 2006 08:38 AM

Mitch said,

"Non-sequitur. There is no evidence that the GOP at any level knew about the IMs at all."

Take a walk though Rightville Mitch... Your side is suggesting that Democrats knew about this and collected the IM's and were sitting on this 'till last week for political gain. If that's true why not release it in 2004 when it would have damaged the office of the President?

Also, don't confuse "proof" with "evidence" Mitch. There's enough evidence that Foley was trolling for sex with teens with the disclosure of the overly friendly emails.

I'm a parent. If my son had received an email from a 54 year old man asking for a picture and asking what he wanted for his birthday, I would have immediately called the police.

And how was Foley punished by Hastert exactly? He was told not to do it again.

A closeted gay man who's questionable judgement and actions toward teenaged boys has been known since 1995 and the best that the Republican leadership can muster is "don't do it again"?

Come on Mitch.

Posted by: Doug at October 4, 2006 10:00 AM

Foley has been a known sexual deviant for over a decade and the GOP knew about his 'kink' for male teenage pages for upwards of three years. Whether or not there is any proof to back up that first sentence, it has come out that Foley was slapped on the wrist for his questionable behavior at least once and that disciplinary action was covered up as well. This coming to light in the past week is simply news breaking. Don't try to play it up as political opportunism when, as an earlier commenter stated, it was knowledge to at least some during the '04 elections.

If it turns out to be opportunism, my fork is always waiting so I may eat my words.

Posted by: Brian at October 4, 2006 10:08 AM


Yes! Let us only make assumptions and jump to conclusions when it suits YOU! That's a GREAT idea!


Posted by: Troy at October 4, 2006 12:33 PM

Brad said, (and I took about 20 minutes to recover from a laughing fit...)

"I wonder how you feel about the obvious fact that Rush Limbaugh has now thrown his dog into this fight. All I can say is this: You better hope your own PR people have got ready-to-made talking points for just about every occasion."

Oh no Brad! Not Rush!?!

Did you hear that guys? Rush has thrown his dog into the fight!

Hey... that reminds me... What exactly was Rush doing with Viaga on a boys only golf trip? What was Rush doing with his dog in that fight Bradley?

Posted by: Doug at October 4, 2006 07:41 PM

"What exactly was Rush doing with Viaga on a boys only golf trip?"

So there are exactly zero female inhabitants of whatever island they went to? There were absolutely zero OTHER flights containing any females that also landed on the island while they were there? That's some pretty good ESP you're trying to project there, Doug.

Posted by: Bill C at October 5, 2006 09:02 AM

Oh yeah, like that fat jackass thought he have a better chance picking up chicks in a country where he's *not* famous.

Posted by: angryclown at October 5, 2006 09:49 AM

Bill Said,

So there are exactly zero female inhabitants of whatever island they went to?

Actually Bill, there were plenty. It's pretty well known for it's underaged prostitutes. Male and female.

In fact, I probably rivals the marianas islands, another favorite Republican haunt, in it's number of children working in the forced sex trade.

Say, didn't Tom Delay spend some time there Bill?

Posted by: Doug at October 5, 2006 10:45 PM


In fact, It probably rivals the marianas islands...

Posted by: Doug at October 7, 2006 01:49 PM
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