
October 02, 2006


As noted elsewhere in this blog, I moved here in large part because I wanted in on the music scene. Of course, in 1985 the music scene in the Twin Cities was worth moving to; the Prince, the Time, the Replacements, the Huskers, Soul Asylum, Run Westy Run and the Clams were the frothing top of a scene that was almost superheated, at its peak, with talent, venues, markets.

And even at its peak, the "Minnesota Music Awards" seemed kind of...pathetic. None of the big stars ever showed up (beyond perhaps the first couple of events). The unknowns were always...very unknown, and generally stayed that way. The MMAs, it seemed, were nothing more than an attempt by local critics and other useless hangers-on to get themselves into more and better parties.

I see not much has changed (emphasis added):

A crop of new acts split many of the top honors at the Minnesota Music Awards, the music scene's 26th annual excuse to dress up and act like real rock stars.

Held for the second-straight year at First Avenue nightclub in Minneapolis -- after several years of a vagabond existence and vanishing attendance -- the MMAs drew a crowd of about 700 to toast newcomers such as Tapes 'N Tapes, P.O.S. and Tim O'Reagan.

This year's greatest local success story, Tapes 'N Tapes won as artist of the year in both the public MMA vote and the critics/industry ballot. The nods put an end to all the hubbub about the blogger-buoyed band not getting props in its hometown.

"We're definitely feeling the support now," said Tapes drummer Jeremy Hanson.

As to Tapes 'n Tapes - that'd tend to confirm my thesis. I loved T'nT the first time I heard them - when they were called Something Fierce. No, they're not the same band - SF and T'nT existed about fifteen years apart - but their career bell curves seem to share the aspect of being the sort of really arid, dreary art-pop that grabs fifth-tier critics and clubland hangers-on, and leaves the rest of us me utterly cold.

But the big question: how long will the MMAs go through the charade of honoring the achievements of a music scene that just isn't achieving all that much?

Posted by Mitch at October 2, 2006 07:04 AM | TrackBack

Dean McGraw is a great picker. The "list" got that right.

IMNSHO,you've got one of, if not the best, singer-songwriters in the country living in the TCs: John Gorka.

You'd like his new release, Mitch. Couple of real good war songs.... One's called "The Road of Good Intentions". There's even one called "Bluer State".

Give you fodder for two or three entries.

Posted by: jackscrow at October 2, 2006 07:29 AM

I am not the biggest Minnesota music fan by a longshot and did not attend the shindig but was at least hoping that the inclusion of radio DJ Mary Lucia as the emcee would bring some life to the awards. Much like any music awards ceremony, a host can make or break the show.

Posted by: Brian at October 2, 2006 11:00 AM

The band that got me hooked on local music was Trip Shakespeare.

Posted by: Jeff at October 2, 2006 01:21 PM

"arid, dreary art-pop" - LOL! they haven't grabbed me, either.

last year's MMA show was really amazing. we've got incredible talent here, spanning hip-hop, punk, bluegrass, rock, and everything inbetween. Duluth really cleaned up last year - you should check out Tramped By Turtles or Charlie Parr.

Posted by: chuck at October 2, 2006 08:25 PM
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