
September 30, 2006

Original Thinking!

I almost yakked up my skull when I heardthis story on Weekend Edition this morning:

Environmentalists concerned over global warming are considering a radical idea: Nuclear power as an acceptable way of making electricity. Unlike electricity from burning coal and gas, nuclear power doesn't produce the greenhouse gases that warm the atmosphere.

Like we conservatives have been saying for a quarter century, y'mean?

Great "discovery", there, "environmentalists".

Posted by Mitch at September 30, 2006 11:08 AM | TrackBack

What in the ever-loving....?!! As if they suddenly thought it all up. It really is mind-boggling. Will they have leftists protesting leftists at the reactor sites?

Posted by: colleen at September 30, 2006 12:50 PM

I still have the impressive three record vinyl edition of No Nukes from the early 80s. Jackson Browne, CSNY, Bonnie Raitt and the terribly self-indulgent Boss, all crying out against the Evils of nuclear power.
Funny how things change, and yet don't.

Posted by: Kermit at September 30, 2006 02:17 PM

"Environmentalists Rethink Stance on Nuclear Power"

You mean a liberal caved on the one way the Left didn't want to emulate France?

That is original thinking.

Posted by: Paul at September 30, 2006 03:06 PM

Speaking of France, there are a few Frenchmen with a brain AND some balls. Go to Michelle Malkin's blog and be refreshed by the news that all is not lost...not yet anyway.

Posted by: colleen at September 30, 2006 04:55 PM

Colleen said,

"As if they suddenly thought it all up."

Ummm. No. Comprehension challenged much?

It says "Environmentalists Rethink Stance on Nuclear Power". No one seems to be claiming they thought of it first.

BTW, I'm sure you're aware Colleen that the primary reason nuclear power energy isn't being developed is that it is cheaper to build coal plants. It's not because we liberals have any actual power to stop them from being built.

The issues for us "fringe" environmentalists are not in building plants. It's what to do with the waste, how to handle it safely and how to guarantee that the material stays out of the hands of terrorists.

Posted by: Doug at October 1, 2006 09:39 PM

So those issues are now resolved? How DID you "fringe" guys do it?!?!

Posted by: Troy at October 1, 2006 11:33 PM

Troy said,

"So those issues are now resolved?"

Where did I say those issues were resolved?

Posted by: Doug at October 2, 2006 07:31 AM

On the other hand, since you "conservatives" don't actually believe in global warming or in the possibility of future oil shortages, it sounds like there's no real need for nuclear power.

By the way, Mitch, what do you want for your birthday? Can you send me a pic?

Posted by: angyclown at October 2, 2006 07:55 AM

AC - Mitch is in his 40's, not 14...

Hey... Did you hear that alcohol made Foley do it? Maybe it was barbequed ribs that made Dennis Hastert cover for him... Addictions can be such an ugly thing...

Posted by: Doug at October 2, 2006 09:50 AM

Foley wouldn't think of hitting on teen boys without a few cocktails. Kind of like how Mel Gibson actually loves the Jews when he's sober. It's that demon rum!

Posted by: angryclown at October 2, 2006 09:58 AM

Next we'll hear George Allen was tanked when he stuffed the severed deer head into the black families mailbox.

Posted by: Doug at October 2, 2006 10:51 AM

oh oh... Word police alert...

Black family's NOT families...

Sorry to spoil your fun kermit

Posted by: Doug at October 2, 2006 11:00 AM

Oh, by the way Mitch. Did you also know the President once got a DWI?

Dougie Boy

Posted by: Dougie Boy at October 2, 2006 01:12 PM

Actually Dougie Boy, the President got 2 DWI's that we know of and I believe he was also busted for cocaine posession as well. We could verify that inf0rmation but the state of Texas sealed his records.

Posted by: Doug at October 2, 2006 01:32 PM

Let me guess. You've been reading those Kitty Kelley books again.

Posted by: Dean at October 2, 2006 02:40 PM

That's right, Doug. And who cares that our guy Clinton raped a chick. We liberals are the deciders of what behavior is more insidious (drug use or sexual assault). Because a republican prez battled alcoholism, that must be the far greater evil.

Posted by: Dougie Boy at October 2, 2006 03:09 PM

Dougie Boy said,

"And who cares that our guy Clinton raped a chick."

Why would a woman who alleges a rape later decline to make the same claim while under oath...?

"We liberals are the deciders of what behavior is more insidious (drug use or sexual assault)Because a republican prez battled alcoholism, that must be the far greater evil."


You offered, "Oh, by the way Mitch. Did you also know the President once got a DWI?", you take what you believe would be the "liberal - I hate George Bush " position and then comment on your own idiotic position...?

The term strawman comes to mind but actually I think complete idiot is more appropriate.

Posted by: Doug at October 2, 2006 10:23 PM

Clownism: "On the other hand, since you "conservatives" don't actually believe in global warming or in the possibility of future oil shortages, it sounds like there's no real need for nuclear power."

Silly, silly, silly. Sweet Chocolate Mohammed, you have a short retention span. We know that Climate Change is real, we just don't believe that thirteen clowns packed into a Yugo are making it happen.
Now I know you've been paying attention. You guys wanted to completely cover up the Medeival Warming Period (Little Optimum for the Google savvy), but you just couldn't do it. Sorry.

And We all know Mitch wants his own radio station for his birthday.


Posted by: Kermit at October 2, 2006 10:33 PM
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