
September 30, 2006

Lying Liars and the Democrat Party That Endorses Them

Margaret Martin on two new DFL ads chock-full of lies:

Case #1: Patty Wetterling’s ad on Michele Bachmann’s position on a national sales tax. The ad says Bachmann supports it. She doesn’t. One of the Bachmann’s chief positions is to scrap the current Federal tax code. She was a tax attorney who once worked for the IRS so she should know. She has said she would consider a national sales tax as an alternative. Wetterling’s Ad makes it sound as if Bachmann supports a National Sales Tax ON TOP OF our current federal taxes...Which is better? That’s up for debate, which is what Bachmann wants. The independence party candidate actually advocates the Fair Tax so maybe Patty is confused. She wouldn’t comment. Eric Black agrees that the ad is wrong.
I'm convinced; the DFL has gone into Goebbels mode; tell enough big lies often enough that the ill-informed will eventually accept them as truth. It's about the only thing Wetterling has.
Case #2: Amy Klobochar’s ad making it sound as if her name is synonymous with the jail cell door clanging shut. The most surprising part is a sequence with Tyesha Edwards’ Parents saying how Amy put their daughter’s killers "behind bars." It ends with the mother saying "Mark Kennedy you should be ashamed of yourself." A very effective statement. But it isn’t true. A bunch of gang members shot up the street on the day Tyesha died. One of the indiscriminate bullets fired went through the wall of her house and killed her as she was sitting at the dining room table doing her homework. In the end, all the gangbangers pled guilty to lesser offenses. More importantly, as part of the plea arrangment they didn’t have to testify against eachother which also limited the prosecution. Amy’s office agreed to these pleas. anyone living in Minneapolis who remembers this case, it doesn’t seem like Tyesha got anything like justice. Why her parents are getting in front of a camera to thank Amy is anyone’s guess. I only remember that they weren’t happy at the time with the outcome of the process.
Amy Klobuchar's Minneapolis is a place where kids are in grave danger, thanks to her catch and release, plea-bargain-anything-to-avoid-a-trial approach to prosecution.

Beneath contempt.

Posted by Mitch at September 30, 2006 07:16 AM | TrackBack

You expect sleaze like this from Amy, she is a lawyer and ex-lobbyist after all. But Patty? I wondered when someone else would trip to her deception about Michele and the Fed sales tax. I posted on it two days ago a Tracy's blog (No Mitch, I won't link to it, that's your prerogative). I did point out exactly the same thing: they leave out the fact that it replaces the income tax. If she was truely honest, she would declare the Fed sales a great idea In Addition to the income tax.
We all know she would vote for it in a heartbeat.
Saint Patty gets dirty. What a sham.

Posted by: Kermit at September 30, 2006 08:43 AM

Finally Mitch said something prolific, eloquent.

Beneath Contempt, I can think of words no more apt than that to describe your blog.

Note to Mitch, in case you hadn't heard, during his tenure as D.A. in NYC, Rudi Gulliani's DA's office also accepted numerous pleas to lesser charges. I'd even guess it accepted some where people didn't testify (for fear of their life). It is the nature of things, and Klobuchar is no more responsible for the state of it than is Gulliani, but leave it to you to make a ludicrous claim out of nothing. The killers were caught, they were shown the strength of the case, and they plead guilty rather than seeking to waste the people's time. What a travesty. Certainly it doesn't give as much time to those killers as they could have gotten, but it's a lot more than nothing, and entirely consistent with what is done by Neo-Con D.A.'s country wide.

But, as always, with Mitch it's not about consistency, it's about distortion for political gain. Klobuchar's add is, some shock, mildly distorting reality (as if Kennedy's don't?), but Mitch's comments often go to any length to try to score points, even to the point of wonton hypocrisy. Mark Kennedy claims he's a CPA, but of course he doesn't have current credentials, doesn't practice as one, hasn't practiced as one in some twenty years, and really never worked for any appreciable time as one. Where is your outrage Mitch?

Minneapolis' crime rates are certainly up, so are the crime rates of dozen's of cities nation-wide, including cities with Republican mayors. Maybe it has something to do with budget cuts, reduced numbers of cops on the streets, and increased poverty? That is the conclusion of actual experts on the subject (unlike Mitch), who aren't looking to make nonsense political points at the expense of reality. Words are meaningless when uttered by those with no moral compass, when the interest is solely in winning, not truth. Mitch can't find the time to be even handed, is that the sign of someone who you think you should find believable?

Beneath Contempt

Posted by: ted at October 1, 2006 09:01 AM

I didn't used to think "Ted" was really PB. Now I'm not so sure.

By the way, "Ted", "Prolific" means "in great numbers". While I do indeed blog prolifically, I'm not sure that's what you meant.

Which would be of a piece with most of what you seem to have written in my comment section.

Posted by: mitch at October 1, 2006 09:14 AM

Well, Mitch, your post was long, but no, I wasn't pointing out that your post was long, I was pokin fun at your silliness.

AKlo is no hero, neither is Kennedy, big deal. Why is it so hard for you to be honest about both?

It doesn't take 14 paragraphs to point out that political adds are deceiptive, but I wasn't pointing out your verboe nature, I was pointing out that your complaints only fall one way, always, and so you complaining about Klobuchar being deceptive, distorted, or dishonest is pretty ironic.

Where is your angst with Rudi Gulliani? Where is your angst with Kennedy?

You write voluminously, but you duck all the issues that are uncomfortable, such as the NIE, and the exposure that GOP leaders hid (attempted to hide?) Rep. Foley's issues. That level of dishonest bias is beneath contempt.

That was the point.

Que Lilliput

Posted by: ted at October 1, 2006 11:30 AM

Ted, Ted, Ted..., The fact that Mark Foley is a pedophile who stalks young boys like prey and that the Republican leadership tried to cover up his actions is really not that big of a deal.

Why would Mitch focus on issues like that? Is is too bad though that Mr. Foley won't be around for the 2008 Convention here in the Twin Cities for "Twink Page" night at the Gay 90's...

Posted by: Doug at October 1, 2006 09:55 PM

I formally call for an investigation of Mitch's "overfriendly" posts about George Bush.

Sick, sick, sick.

Posted by: angryclown at October 2, 2006 07:39 AM

Mitch hyperboled: "I'm convinced; the DFL has gone into Goebbels mode..."

A day after he hystericaled:

"The cynic thinks they're exercising the Goebbels playbook..."

Mitch, if you consult your blog's search function (as Angryclown has), you'll find that you compare political adversaries to Hitler's propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, once every six weeks, on average. Here you've done so two times in as many days. What gives?

Let me remind you of the official Right-Wing Nutcase Blog rotation of hyperbolic slurs:

1. similar to Goebbels

2. Stalin-like

3. pro-Saddam

4. latte-sipping, Volvo driving

5. death-worshipping Satanists

6. pro-bin Laden

Remember, Mitch, these rules were established by your fellow loose-cannon wingnuts and you're bound to respect them. I will await the Stalin reference in your next posting.

Posted by: angryclown at October 2, 2006 09:17 AM

Ted, Ted, Ted ---- did you just do what I think you did? Lemme go back and re-read --- yup. There it is.

You just compared AKlo --- Hennepin County Prosecutor --- to Rudy Giuliani, who was US ATTORNEY for the Southern District of New York.

You DO understand the difference, don't you Ted?

I know the Left doesn't understand Federalism, but this one is pretty obvious. And past that, do you really want to compare their records? Do you, Ted?

And AC. I've never understood the mentality of someone that's compelled daily to go to someone else's blog and trash them. Day after day after day. It's your right, don't misunderstand.

But don't give Mitch a hard time because you Lefties can't come up with a single original thought.

Posted by: JonM in MN at October 2, 2006 11:47 AM

JonM, you are mistaken. Not just on this topic, but, Angryclown suspects, about everything from your politics to your parentage.

Angryclown kids cause Angryclown loves.

Posted by: angryclown at October 2, 2006 12:38 PM

More insightful, rigorous analysis from our friend AC. He never disappoints!

I continue to wonder what kind of mental illness someone must have to frequently refer to himself in the third person.

Posted by: JonM in MN at October 2, 2006 01:39 PM


15 yards for illegal use of the language. To be added on at the end of the punt.

Posted by: Kermit at October 2, 2006 10:37 PM
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