
September 20, 2006

The Empirical Record Must Be Wrong!

Swiftee points us to a series of comments at MDE from someone purporting to be a former college associate of Keith Ellison's, who is apprently trying to "cow the voters" with actual facts:

I was the editor who published Keith’s articles and follow-up pieces. I’m also a moderate Democrat: I like Keith’s platform.

I KNEW Keith back then.

Keith didn’t “keep a distance” from the Nation of Islam: he was in chin-deep...He even boycotted a Jewish-Black dialog group created in response to his speakers and writings, except to show up for five minutes and yell at me...Stokley Carmichael (aka Kwame Ture) — a speaker Keith sponsored, stood with, and enthusiastically supported — was asked what position women should have in the black-right’s movement.

His answer: “prone.” ...Keith WAS an active member of a hate group. That’s not filth: that’s history...If David Duke was the front-runner in Minneapolis his past associations would be filthy, but also highly germane to his worthiness as a candidate. Keith’s in the same position.

Just like David Duke couldn’t say “ignore my past: concentrate on the positive” neither should Keith be able to.

Strangely, I think if there is any racist behavior being exhibited it’s by Keith’s supporters. Minnesota Democrats seem to be either infantalizing Keith or condoning his past behavior. Either position is indefensible and the former definitely stinks of the same bigoted charges Keith’s supporters are fast to throw around.

It is depressing as a moderate democrat to witness what is happening.

Let's assume Olenik is who he says he is (and a quick Google of his associations with the MNDaily, the U of M, and possibly more makes it seem likely enough), and ask the questions:
  • Why do the major Minnesota media think these facts about Ellison's past aren't important? Remember - Rod Grams' son's escapades - over which Senator Grams had no control at all - were front-page news in the Twin Cities. But Keith Ellison's years-long involvement in a hate group is not?
  • How is it "racist" and "bigoted" to related objective, true facts to the wider audience? Are black, moslem candidates immune from criticism?
  • Finally, I'll reiterate the question I asked Jeff Fecke below: what is the Twin Cities right "doing" "to" Ellison? Ellison is the one who joined the hate group; we're just speaking truth to would-be power.
Have at it, sinistrospherians.

Posted by Mitch at September 20, 2006 08:15 AM | TrackBack

This whole "If you're against Ellison, you're a bigot" thing is by far and away, the most blatant "hypocrites-with-fingers-in-ears-LALALALA" and "heads-buried-in-sand" episode I can ever remember seeing. It just goes to show how important litmus tests are to leftists, and how much "party over people" leftists really are. The opportunity to elevate the oldest, and newest, oppressed minorities to this status overcame all other ethical and legal standards. The whole Joe Lieberman episode pales in comparison to this.

If Mark Kennedy or Tim Pawlenty had the rap sheet that this guy does, the Strib would have to start an entire new section to contain all the negative attack journalism.

Posted by: Bill C at September 20, 2006 12:29 PM

It stuns me how Dems will still defend what was done to Michael Steele (DSCC stealing his credit report, thowing Oreos at him) and George Allen (he's hiding the fact that he is a JEW) and yet they hope all over anyone who dares to question Keith.....

Posted by: The Lady Logician at September 20, 2006 12:35 PM
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