
September 19, 2006

The Sharia Fairness Doctrine

Brian Maloney reports on CAIR's pressure tactics to stifle talk-radio criticism of Moslems:

CAIR has targeted talkers at ABC and Clear Channel stations over the past year, having an especially easy time mowing over executives at the former.

In fact, it's fair to say that CAIR monitors talk radio across the country, looking for anything it can use to fan the flames.

The ABC Radio flap, based on comments about Islam made by WMAL / Washington host Michael Graham, resulted in his termination. Earlier this year, top- rated morning host Bill Handel nearly lost his position at KFI / Los Angeles after a similar incident.

What were the transgressions? Graham was fired for saying "We are at war with a terrorist organization named Islam”. Handel came under pressure for a pointed radio sketch criticizing Islam:
"Muhammad": Article One, Section One: All legislative powers are herein granted and shall be vested in Grand Ayatollah Ali Al Sistani, who will personally see to it that personal freedom and civil rights be set back 1,000 years.

Section Two: Death to the Jews, death to the Jews, death to the Jews.

Section Three: The House of Representatives shall be composed of [unintelligible] of American-hating terrorists who shall conduct a war of attrition for one thousand years or until the infidel is eradicated from the planet entirely, whichever comes first.

Tasteless? Maybe, but no worse than Christians get every day in this country.

But that's not my point.

Remember last week, when the local leftybloggers were whinging about all of the Republicans' "bigoted" "attempt" to "cow" Ellison supporters in the DFL primary? Attempts that were never actually documented, mind you?

This is CAIR, and it is cowing, intimidating, censoring American discourse.

CAIR supports Keith Ellison. If elected, Keith Ellison will owe CAIR a marker.

How do you expect that debt is going to be repaid?

Posted by Mitch at September 19, 2006 07:11 AM | TrackBack
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