
September 11, 2006


In the past, I've written long screeds about the 9/11 anniversary.

This year? 40-odd percent of the nation thinks we need to cut and run from Iraq. Too many think that "war on terror" means "perp-walking Bin Laden".

For many of us - on the right as well as the left - the ideal seems to be that if we arrest or kill Bin Laden (lefties) or break the back of international Islamofascist terror (the right), the world will morph back into 1999. Wretchard at Belmont Club is more realistic - and depressing:

If I had to find one word to represent the mood five years after September the 11th it would be resignation. Whatever the campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq have signified, they did not, as some on the Left might think, represent experiences which foreshadow a return to the 1990s. What they have proved is that the cracks in the world run too deep for anyone to predict where they may lead. Mark Steyn writing in the Chicago Sun Times looks around and finds that the combination of commercial globalization and cultural fragmentation has led, not as its admirers predicted, to a world joining hands but to a planet of tribes united only in their ability to watch, hate and destroy each other.
And 9/11 - and even less so the War on Terror - didn't start that process. It was the symptom of the larger disease, one that people were predicting back in the late seventies; the Third World War would be the North versus the South.

But I'm jumping ahead of myself. 9/11 - the attack on all of us (!), the tragedy, the loss - all of that should, and needs to be, above politics.

But the response? In this deeply split nation, the response is irredeemably intertwined with politics. And about half the nation, according to the polls, has it completely wrong.

So as we reach another anniversary, I suspect more and more that it'll take another 9/11 - only more serious - to really make the American people take this seriously.

I'm hoping not, and am crossing my fingers hoping that my faith gets redeemed.

But it's not an auspicious anniversary, all in all.

UPDATE: Lileks puts it better:

I’ll tell you this: if I ran Time magazine, I wouldn’t have run a cover story titled “What We’ve Lost.”

What We’ve Done, perhaps. Who We Are. Why We Fight. What They Want. But “What We’ve Lost”?

I expected many things five years ago, but an epitaph in the face of survival wasn’t among them. Of course, when you recall the post 9 /11 cover "Why They Hate Us," you do have a nice set of bookends. Forgive me if I've little time to reread the tomes bracketed between those sentiments. Today is what it is. Tomorrow, however, requires our attention.

And tomorrow will get it.

Posted by Mitch at September 11, 2006 08:07 AM | TrackBack

My only comment on this is to quote one of your current advertisers:

"Five years ago terrorists attacked America. Many seem to have forgotten the evil that happened and want us to cut and run in the Middle East, leaving al aqeda to attack us again. Never forget."

My faith gets shattered every single day by despicable crap like this. I can't decide: would it be better if people who say such things are stupid enough actually to believe them - or that they're simply cold and heartless enough to want the people reading it to believe them for their own political gain?

What do you think, Mitch?

To "never forget" requires that we actually remember what really happened in the first place.

Posted by: Beeeej at September 11, 2006 09:59 AM

"This year? 40-odd percent of the nation thinks we need to cut and run from Iraq."

Really Mitch? That's interesting because I don't know one person that believes we should cut and run.

Posted by: Doug at September 11, 2006 11:46 AM

"Really Mitch? That's interesting because I don't know one person that believes we should cut and run."

Then you're either not paying attention, or you're being disingenuous. I'll give you credit and assume you're being disingenuous.

hint: John Kerry (authored and tried to pass legislation saying intially everyone out by 12/31/06, amended to 7/1/07, and failed) and John Murtha (redeploy to OKINAWA? WTF?????), for starters. And every single person who has ever protested in a "bring them home now"/"no blood for oil" protest, or has an anti-war/anti-Iraq bumper sticker on their car. I have a hard time believing that any single person who wants to see Bush removed from office (preferably forcefully) is willing to wait for the troops to come home "until Iraq is ready, however long that may take".

Cutting and running means leaving before it's safe, not just "packing everything up and evacuating the area ASAP without concern for future events", as happened in Vietnam.

Posted by: Bill C at September 11, 2006 12:10 PM

Oh yes, and how could I forget that wonderful woman, Cindy Sheehan?

Posted by: Bill C at September 11, 2006 01:59 PM

Bill said,

"John Kerry (authored and tried to pass legislation saying intially everyone out by 12/31/06, amended to 7/1/07, and failed."

You need to get your facts straight.

Kerry offered a proposal in november of '05. Here it is...

• The U.S. to begin a phased draw down of American troops as a series of military and political benchmarks is met, starting with a reduction of 20,000 troops over the holidays as the first benchmark –the successful completion of the December elections – is met.

• The U.S. to immediately make clear that we do not want permanent military bases in Iraq, or a large combat force on Iraqi soil indefinitely.

• The Administration to immediately give Congress and the American people a detailed plan for the transfer of military and police responsibilities on a sector by sector basis to Iraqis so the majority of our combat forces can be withdrawn -- ideally by the end of next year.

• The Bush administration to prod the new Iraqi government to ask for a multinational force to help protect Iraq’s borders until a capable national army is formed. Such a force, if sanctioned by the United Nations, could attract participation by Iraq's neighbors and countries like India and would be a critical step in stemming the tide of insurgents and money into Iraq, especially from Syria.

• The Pentagon to alter the deployment of American troops, keeping Special Operations forces pursuing specific intelligence leads and putting the vast majority of U.S. troops in rear guard, garrisoned status for security backup. We do not need to send young Americans on search and destroy missions that invite alienation and deepen the risks they face.

• The President to put the training of Iraqi security forces on a six month wartime footing and ensure that the Iraqi government has the budget to deploy them.

• The Bush administration to accept long standing offers by Egypt, Jordan, France and Germany to do more training.

• The administration to immediately call a conference of Iraq’s neighbors, Britain, Turkey and other key NATO allies, and Russia to implement a strategy to bring the parties in Iraq to a sustainable political compromise that includes mutual security guarantees among Iraqis.

• Iraq’s Sunni neighbors to set up a reconstruction fund specifically for the majority Sunni areas to show them the benefits of participating in the political process. • The President to appoint a special envoy to bolster America’s diplomatic efforts.

• The U.S. to commit to a new regional security structure that includes improved security assistance programs and joint exercises.

• The U.S. to jumpstart our lagging reconstruction efforts by providing the necessary civilian personnel to do the job, standing up civil-military reconstruction teams throughout the country, streamlining the disbursement of funds to the provinces, expanding job creation programs for Iraqis, and strengthening the capacity of government ministries.

That's a little bit more detailed than "cut and run" isn't it Bill.

Regardless, the piece of legislation you are refering to was authored by Mitch McConnell and was based on Kerry's earlier proposal.

Kerry then offered an amendment to McConells legislation.

John Murtha's proposal was to begin to pull troops out at the earlies practicable date, leave a ground force in Iraq and re-deploy the majority of the troops to a position where we wouldn't continue to be viewed as an occupying force.

By you're own definition, "Cutting and running means leaving before it's safe, not just "packing everything up and evacuating the area ASAP," that's not what Democrats are doing.

Posted by: Doug at September 11, 2006 02:21 PM

I'm hoping that we'll never repeat 9/11/2001 (and a good start would be to continue to ignore all Liberals) but 2002 is on an endless loop in some quarters. Avoid the temptation to relive it, folks. It wasn't much fun when it was new and it only gets shriller with repetition.

Posted by: Brian Jones at September 11, 2006 02:47 PM

Brian said,

"(and a good start would be to continue to ignore all Liberals)"

So much for that "spirit of bi-partisanship" bone that Republicans keep tossing... Thanks for the brief glimpse of honesty Brian.

Posted by: Doug at September 11, 2006 03:27 PM

Good dissembling, Doug. (Here's a clue: No one believes you).

I posted above I hate 9/11.
Add Time Magazine to the list.

Doug I just feel deep sympathy for.

Posted by: Kermit at September 11, 2006 08:50 PM

Kermit, Buddy... You need to go sleep it off. You'll feel better in the morning.

Maybe then you try to post again and hopefully make a little sense.

Posted by: Doug at September 11, 2006 10:56 PM

And again, I repeat, Kerry didn't author legislation. He offered a proposal.

The goal, which appears to be beyond your ability to comprehend, was to open and force a serious debate about Iraq.

What McConnell did was a cheap stunt.

Democrats want discussion - Republicans are unified behind the Administrations IED assisted troop reduction plan.

Posted by: Doug at September 12, 2006 07:21 AM


Democrats got their discussion. They brought up what they wanted to do, and Republicans said "OK, let's vote on it."

Kerry-Feingold Version 1.0: Defeated 93-6.
Kerry-Feingold Version 2.0: Defeated 86-13.
Levin-Reed: Defeated 60-39.

Recall that Levin-Reed called for troop withdrawal to *begin* at the end of 2006 ("cut and jog.") It was still defeated by 60 votes, which means some Democrats crossed the line.

The discussion has already taken place, buddy boy.

Posted by: Paul at September 12, 2006 08:06 AM

"Go sleep it off" Funny. That (and Doug) reminds me of a t-shirt I once saw:

I may be drunk, but your stupid and in the morning I'll be sober...

Doug, the gift that keeps on giving.

Posted by: Kermit at September 12, 2006 12:05 PM

"What McConnell did was a cheap stunt."

It's only a cheap stunt in your eyes because it was YOUR side that got smacked down. It put the Democrats on official, documented record stating that what they piss and moan about is NOT the same as how they will vote when their feet are put to the fire. Meaning that all their pissing and moaning (well, except for Kennedy, Kerry, Feingold, Harkin, and the intellectually gigantic Boxer) is nothing but empty rhetoric geared towards causing problems, not finding solutions.

This seems to be an ongoing meme of the dems.

Posted by: Bill C at September 12, 2006 12:33 PM

Bill said,

"It's only a cheap stunt in your eyes because it was YOUR side that got smacked down."

I wasn't aware that it was a my side versus your side issue.

Remember that it is "my" side that has discussed a full range of options from staying right where we are to a redeployment of troops to another country and everything in between.

Posted by: Doug at September 12, 2006 02:24 PM

Yes, Doug, and they were voted down. Nice try.

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