
September 11, 2006

Electric Landlady

One of music's great injustices is that Kirsty MacColl - a British singer best known in the US for writing Tracy Ullman's one hit and helping introduce the Pogues to America - was a wonderful singer and a great songwriter.

She was killed in a controversial scuba diving accident in Mexico in 2000.

She's one of the best female pop singers ever - and one who always came up a day late or a dollar short in finding the big, big time. A strike derailed distribution of her first album as the BBC was playing it to death; label bankruptcies stalled her later on. She was on the brink of wide recognition a third time when she died.

And of course, her flirtation with stardom was largely a pre-video thing - it's hard to find much video presence from her.

So it was fun - and a little sad - to find this little number, a vid for her second single, the hilarious "Terry", from 1980.

YouTube - Kirsty MacColl - Terry

Apropos not much. I just miss music being fun, sometimes...

Posted by Mitch at September 11, 2006 07:25 AM | TrackBack

Ditto, Mitch - my station, WVBR, was at least partly responsible for her second flirtation with stardom in the early 1990s when "Can't Stop Killing You" climbed the charts for about ten minutes. She had a great sensibility for irony and pain that most lesser songwriters drown in bad-teenage-girl-poetry.

Posted by: Beeeej at September 11, 2006 09:43 AM

For heaven's sake, Mitch! First the Boomtown Rats and now Kirsty MacColl! Our mainstream musical tasted diverge but our love of those who never quite made the A list is practically identical. Tropical Brainstorm is one of my favorite cds.

I just have to ask, are you at all familiar with Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers?

Posted by: MLP at September 11, 2006 01:17 PM

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Posted by: Seodfyx at October 30, 2006 01:30 PM
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