
July 11, 2006

Kudos to the Godfather

Scott Johnson noted the Hewitt anniversary:

Last night our friend Hugh Hewitt celebrated his twenty-fourth wedding anniversary as well as the sixth anniversary of the Hugh Hewitt Show, his great syndicated Salem Radio program. Hugh is the inspiration behind the new Townhall and a true visionary. On a personal note, Hugh's recognition and encouragement of our work back in the fall of 2002 meant everything to us. We salute him on this milestone.
It's been noted that the Minnesota conservative blogging community is among the biggest, most influential blog scenes in the country. I think it's safe to say that we owe it all to Hugh; it was Hugh that coined the "Northern Alliance", back in 2002 when it was Lileks, Powerline and the Fraters. From there came the exposure that helped launch them, Ed, plus King, and finally the Northern Alliance Radio Network show itself. Which in turn launched the MOB. And let's not forget that the NARN would likely not have existed without a big push from Hugh.

So happy anniversary, Hugh. You are the king of new media...

...which is good, since if your career depended on your music and sports chops, you'd be working at a Jack In The Box in Oxnard.

All the best!

Posted by Mitch at July 11, 2006 11:57 AM | TrackBack
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