
July 11, 2006

Hands Off!

Display Jesus Christ in a jar of urine? No problem.

Burn a flag? Don't you dare call them unpatriotic!

Hack Americans to death? Screw 'em!

But for Allah's sake, don't harm the Quran!

Yes, it is apparently a federal case:

The F-B-I will look into an online video that shows two men shooting a Quran with a military rifle and then leaving the bullet-riddled holy book at a Chattanooga mosque.
F-B-I agent Tim Burke said the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations asked the Justice Department to investigate the incident. He said no one from the Chattanooga Muslim community had complained.
Yeah, it might be a terroristic threat, I suppose, sort of, kind of. And the people who allegedly did it do not sound like nice people:
A man on the Web site identifies himself as "mully88" and claims to live in Chattanooga. The author's profile lists as heroes (quote) "anybody that has killed a muslim or at least tried to kill a muslim." The site also contains slurs against Hispanics and blacks.

The video shows the man purchasing a Quran at a bookstore, going to a wooded area and shooting the book, then throwing it on the ground outside the door of the Chattanooga Islamic center.

Not sure what the legal definition of "Terroristic Threat" is. Perhaps shooting someone's holy book fits the bill. I guess we'll see.

So I guess the next time some moron "artist" mangles the Bible, we can get the FBI on the case, right?

Or would that create a chilling effect?

Posted by Mitch at July 11, 2006 07:52 AM | TrackBack

The first two examples are certainly disgusting, but they are by no means violent or threatening. Of course, when a flag is burned during a riot or protest in the mideast with AK-47's and RPG-7's in prominance there is a clear message of violence, but I'm talking about the twits who have gotten their cases hauled to the supreme court (go look it up). I'm only bringing up the violence part because the Supreme Court likes to bring that up when discussing flag burning, I guess there's an important differentiation.

I have no idea why you're including the bit on Hacking Americans to death, or more specifically why you're equating that with the first two examples. Saying that an artist displaying the cross in urine is morally equivelent to premeditated murder is just ... odd. Or are you saying the type of people who defend tasteless art and peaceful (if extreemly offensive) first amendment exercises are also in favor of decapitation? If so and I'm a murderer, then I choose Pat Robertson, in a Prague tower, with defenestration. A much classier way to start the revolution than hitting poor old colonel Mustard over the head with a lead pipe.

Oh, right, I get it. You're on one of your "liberals are evil" kicks again. Well, its better than going all Pavlov over strategically timed cultural issues I guess. Not like there's anything else going on.

So what if the video showed a skinhead or Arab doing the same thing to the Torah or Pentateuch, and leaving it outside a synagog?

Hmm ... I think I lost track of your argument here, but I kind of suspect you have as well. Still recovering from vacation I guess, huh?

Posted by: Bill Haverberg at July 11, 2006 10:03 AM

Or Bill, rather than put words in his mouth you could just re-read the post. What he said was you can do whatever you want with a bible or symbol of Christianity and no one bats a eye. You can hack Americans to death and for some Americans, the response is "screw them", but if you desecrate a Koran, then it's call in the FBI. Suppose they find these idiots? What's the charge? Littering? If the video showed a skinhead or arab doing the same thing to the Torah, then nothing would happen. Reason? Not against the law to shoot up your own property. Where you get a rant about Liberals or any of your strawman arguments is beyond me.

Posted by: buzz at July 11, 2006 07:30 PM

Show me a liberal who has said "Screw them" about anyone a terrorist has killed. Citations, please -- something that can be confirmed independently from original or neutral sources following a minimum two source rule.

Until you do, you are only showing your hatred of your fellow citizens, someone who "loves their country" but "hates half its people".

Posted by: Bill Haverberg at July 11, 2006 08:36 PM

"Show me a liberal who has said "Screw them" about anyone a terrorist has killed."

Markos Moulitsas (Daily Kos, ya'know?) regarding two civilian contractors murdered in Iraq and hanged from a bridge over a busy street.
His exact words were "Screw them".
Your exact words should be "I'm wrong, I appologize."

Posted by: Kermit at July 11, 2006 08:55 PM

Well, I was prepared to apologize - there's a reason I DON'T read KOS and other leading liberal blogs, I don't want to get trapped into groupthink - but then I saw Markos retracted his words two days later, and with an interesting explanation. Why don't you go read it? Apparently as an eight year old growing up in a war zone, having to step over the bodies of students executed by communist guerilla's as "collaborators", he's developed some strong opinions on war and the people who choose to fight in them. Of course you may not care to since it humanizes him as well, but its your call. Did you want the convenient truth, or something closer to the whole truth? If your only interest is in the convenient truth, which only serves to justify and comfort your existing point of view, then go ahead, ignore the link.

Oh, and for the record, he was justifiably roasted alive by his fellow liberals for that remark - which is quite hard to do while you're bleating.

Here's the link:

Posted by: Bill Haverberg at July 11, 2006 09:15 PM

OK, I'm getting a bit preachy in that last post, so I apologize for that. Its just I'm really getting tired of this political game of jumping on the truth we like and ignoring the rest of the story when it provides a more complete truth which humanizes the story.

Its like all people want are punching bags so they can take out their aggression on someone or live out their fantasies, instead of growing up. I'm tired of it.

Posted by: Bill Haverberg at July 11, 2006 09:25 PM


No problem. Except that I wasn't playing the political game. It's the cultural game; dinging on Moslems (wiccans, native "spirituality", buddhists) is un-PC (whereas it should merely be considered bad form), while Christianity elicits uncomprehending hatred from a huge, influential chunk of the population.

Posted by: mitch at July 12, 2006 07:28 AM

Mitch said: "while Christianity elicits uncomprehending hatred from a huge, influential chunk of the population."

Aw, poor little victim!

Posted by: angryclown at July 12, 2006 10:01 AM

"Well, I was prepared to apologize"

And yet, you didn't.
I'm sorry if "Show me a liberal who has said "Screw them" about anyone a terrorist has killed. Citations, please -- "
is an unfortunate challenge. I'm glad some liberals chastised him for it, although I very much doubt it.
But being prepared and refusal are two seperate things, aren't they, Bill.
Admit it: Liberals are just a bunch of meanies.
Ask Mr. Aw, poor little victim! Such sympathy!

Posted by: Kermit at July 12, 2006 09:12 PM

Mitch said,

"while Christianity elicits uncomprehending hatred from a huge, influential chunk of the population."

They're artists, Mitch. It's their job to go after the mainstream. If this were an Islamic country they'd do just the same thing right up to the point where they'd get their hands cut off or their houses bombed.

And I swear, just like you, I long for the day when the American people will FINALLY elect a Christian president and a Christian congress (overlooking the fact that Jesus was born, lived, and died as a Jew, and it was the pharisee Paul who mucked things up).

Even then, I don't think most of them are against Christianity so much as they are against sepulchured white-washed low order pharisees, overwrought Sadducee wannabees and clanging gongs of hypocrites seeking earthly treasure while proudly dictating the appointed hour and day of the Lord's second coming, you know, those kind of people.

Not going to respond to Kermit, not sure if he's serious or just doing a bit, sorry.

Posted by: Bill Haverberg at July 13, 2006 01:36 AM
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