
June 30, 2006

Crushing of Potential Dissent

You've read about it on blogs with bandwidth this past week; Amy Klobuchar, at a campaign event giving a speech at the Humphrey Institute, barred Mark Kennedy's people from recording her speech.

Bob Collins had his characteristically low-key take on events, and of course KvM is on the case, as is Mark Gisleson "staff" at Norwegianity "Blogs for Bell", who had a fine line that A-Klo could take to heart:

According to our consultant Walter Ludwig, his grandmother had this right. She said "the best thing about telling the truth is that you never have to remember what you've said."
Of course, in A-Klo's case it's even better - she just has to remember what "hero" Mark Dayton said.

KvM also asked the salient question, whilst quoting a letter Gary Miller received from the Humphrey Institute, where hte vent took place; their quote is in italics, below. Note for those of you out of state: the Hubert Humphrey Institute is a public policy tank and school at the University of Minnesota; despite being a public institution, it generally serves as a state-sponsored DFL propaganda mill and training camp):

The Klobuchar campaign asked there be no unauthorized video or audio recording of the event and we requested their wishes. If you’re interested in filming future appearances you should probably contact their campaign in advance. In inviting these political candidates, we work to provide a non-partisan or bi-partisan atmosphere that allows them to put their guard down as much as possible. As you can imagine, within these situations there may be some who choose to record appearances for negative reasons and I’m sure that’s why they made that decision.

What are they afraid of? More important, what gives them the right to turn a public event, into a campaign event?


The Humphrey Institute is a public institution. Why is Klobuchar able to impose private, campaign-imposed restrictions on free speech in a public place? To turn an ostensibly public (not campaign) event into her private recording session?

Posted by Mitch at June 30, 2006 09:04 AM | TrackBack

I'm sorry - was Klobuchar appearing nude in a private at the HHHI?

Or are you saying that GOP staffers and volunteers are the moral equivalent of perverts?

Or do you have some knowledge that the Kennedy people planned to do something harassing and unethical?

Please go on the record NOW with what you meant, or kindly leave the character slurs to people qualified to make them.

Posted by: mitch at June 30, 2006 09:51 AM

""Why is Klobuchar able to impose private, campaign-imposed restrictions on free speech in a public place?""

Simply because that is the format presented by the institute. Other candidates have the same options available to them as clearly pointed on in the letter you quote.

What is being hidden here is the fact there was an authorized recording of both Amy's speech and the Q&A and it is linked at Polinaut. Seems quite revealing that the Kennedy Attack machine fails to mention this fact and continues to imply that no recording was allowed.


Posted by: Flash at June 30, 2006 10:22 AM


Who are you talking to?

Posted by: Doug at June 30, 2006 01:02 PM

Doug, Mitch deleted the comment he responded to.

How ironic he did that in a post he titled:

"Crushing of Potential Dissent"

You can do the math from there *laughing*


Posted by: Flash at June 30, 2006 01:31 PM

This would be the same Mitch who is the self-proclaimed biggest defender of free speech?

Too damn funny.

Posted by: Doug at June 30, 2006 02:49 PM

"This would be the same Mitch who is the self-proclaimed biggest defender of free speech?"

No, this would be the same Mitch who allows, on his blog, the likes of Angryclown, Fulcrum, Flash, Doug, Eva, Kermit and numerous others to express themselves.
Why don't you complain about his word blocking? I'm sure there are lots of creative uses for the word 5hit you have been dying to explore.

Posted by: Kermit at June 30, 2006 08:38 PM

"This would be the same Mitch who is the self-proclaimed biggest defender of free speech?

Too damn funny."


Is that commenter in jail? No? Well, then his/her freedom to speak out was still intact. However, since Mitch isn't a body of government he can delete any comment he so chooses on his blog without violating someone's free speech.

Don't you delete comments off your blog for whatever reasons you see fit?

Posted by: Brad at July 1, 2006 02:46 PM

"Why don't you complain about his word blocking? I'm sure there are lots of creative uses for the word 5hit you have been dying to explore."

OK. The word blocking sux. I remember a few months ago, it blocked the word mort-gage in a post I made regarding forclosures.

Feel better 5hithead?

Posted by: Doug at July 2, 2006 06:32 AM

I feel just fine. And vindicated. Thanks.

Posted by: Kermit at July 2, 2006 11:17 AM

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Posted by: chair massage washington at July 21, 2006 02:10 PM

It's actually policy at the Institute that none of the programming may be recorded without advanced permission.

Mark Kennedy and Tim Pawlenty were both invited to give a speech in the same venue with the same media coverage. Candidates were encouraged to choose their own policy focus for the speech so they had the freedom to emphasise whichever part of their campaign they thought was most important. Pawlenty gave an excellent speech, but Kennedy's campaign has cancelled that speech at least two times now and has not responded to attempts to reschedule.

Posted by: James at September 23, 2006 07:23 PM

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Posted by: men at October 24, 2006 04:52 AM
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