
June 27, 2006

Make Nice, Dumb*ss

I like the Dixie Chicks. Like most stars, I am perfectly fine enjoying the music and ignoring the artists' politics, to a point (Vanessa Redgrave being an example of someone whose politics overshadowed her acting, to me).

But Pat Boone - yep, that Pat Boone, writing in Worldnet Daily - notes that:

An Internet acquaintance, Ashton Hardy, reminded me that Tokyo Rose's constant message, drafted for her by psychological warfare experts, always contained three main points:

Your president is lying to you.

The war is illegal and wrong.

You cannot win.

Interesting, isn't it? Oddly familiar, too. Of course, currently the Chicks have our own American media to do the broadcasting, which they do enthusiastically in the guise of "reporting the news." And the reporting, usually very favorable to the Chicklets, goes immediately around the world, translated into many languages for the Muslim world – and in English, to our GIs in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Oh, our fine-feathered femmes insist they "support our troops" – while they demoralize them – but that's what Tokyo Rose did, too. She told our soldiers, sailors and Marines she was "on their side," too!

As a father of four girls, I hurt for the Ditsies. They haven't realized how unpatriotic and un-American they are. They have ultra-liberal friends around them who egg them on (pun not intended), and they're persuaded they're upholding free speech and promoting humanitarian interests. Like so many dissenters, they seem to think that if we just "make nice" with terrorists, wave peace signs and disavow war as an answer, everything will turn out fine.

If you crash a car because you weren't paying attention, the car is just as crashed as if you ran it into a lightpole on purpose.

Posted by Mitch at June 27, 2006 05:36 AM | TrackBack

Pat Boone. Man, if there is ever a formal split between the wingnuts and the left, your half of the country would be left with some pretty sad entertainment choices. JB wouldn't notice the difference, but Mitch would be in Hell.

Posted by: angryclown at June 27, 2006 08:41 AM

I was told in my first year in (music)radio, don't take positions on issues that divide the nation. If you do,you're making half your potential audience very angry. That cuts your chances of succeeding in this industry.

The Ditsy Chicks are destroying their own fan base. Probably planning to replace it with the austin city limits crowd, but note to ditsies-- that crowd is WAY smaller these days than the one watching the CMA awards.

If an entertainer can't muster the common sense to avoid angering her own fans, well she deserves what she gets. It's the Laura Ingraham "shut up and sing" syndrome. They think that they have some sort of obligation to speak out about politics, but they're just entertainers for petes sake. We didn't ask their opinion and don't want it.

and I for one won't ever buy another ditsy chicks record.


Posted by: dave at June 27, 2006 09:08 AM

Don't you dare question Tokyo Rose's patriotism.

Posted by: Lileks at June 27, 2006 09:43 AM

"...your half of the country would be left with some pretty sad entertainment choices...." And that's what really important!!

Posted by: ak at June 27, 2006 09:48 AM

You'd also lose a lot of wars.

Posted by: angryclown at June 27, 2006 09:58 AM

Gee, Dixie Chicks or Bruce Springsteen. Talented musicians, political hacks. Shut up and sing, indeed.

Posted by: Kermit at June 27, 2006 10:32 AM

Pat Boone would be more in the shut up and *don't* sing category.

Posted by: angryclown at June 27, 2006 11:08 AM

AC: C'mon - you have to like his "In a Metal Mood: No More Mr. Nice Guy" album!

Posted by: Nancy at June 27, 2006 02:59 PM

I'll give you that, Nancy. Pat Boone is Johnny on the Spot when I'm in the mood for Rob Helford meets Nelson Riddle.

Posted by: angryclown at June 27, 2006 03:17 PM

Tokyo Rose distorted bad news for Americans and relished in their deaths. Equating lawful disagreement and speech with that is the tack of an ugly mind. Free Speech only if it supports the Administration is the lesson.

Posted by: ted at June 27, 2006 07:11 PM


It's Halford... HALFORD!

Posted by: Doug at June 27, 2006 07:18 PM

Angryclown knows, Doug, fear not. It's just that, when Angryclown dictates these comments to his office girl, she occasionally mistypes. Angryclown has a call in to the agency - she'll be replaced by noon.

Posted by: angryclown at June 28, 2006 07:51 AM

At the risk of having my veracity questioned by Doug, I will report on another item. The Dixie Chicks whined that after their 2003 debacle, they could not even get the Red Cross to accept a $1 million donation from them. The Red Cross recently replied that they could not receive the gift because the Dixie Chicks expected them to embrace their summer tour. In other words, there were lots of strings attached to the $1 million pay off. Ohhh the poor little girls. The Red Cross said they would gladly accept a $1 million "unconditional" gift from the Dixie Chicks.

Posted by: BJB at June 28, 2006 10:57 PM
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