
November 21, 2005

How To P**s Off A Liberal

I got this from an email forum about Saint Paul politics that I occasionally frequent:

> Yesterday I was cutting down the remaining
> perennials at the garden at Summit and Mississippi
> River Blvd. A group of about a dozen ROTC members
> from St. Thomas ran by chanting a cadence.
> I was offended and appalled by their chant: "Put a
> gun in my hand: I am a killing man: I am a stabbing
> man: I am a drinking man."
> I would love to hear other people's reaction and
> suggestions.
I reacted, all right.

Thank God they're still training soldiers to be soldiers.

ROTC trains soldiers (sailors, airmen, marines), not social workers. Part of the job is hardening the young men and women to be ready to do something that does NOT come naturally to ANY human, much less most
Americans; being willing to pull the trigger before the enemy kills you or your comrade.

And since it's "officer" training corps, it is not just training people to shoot (and live under unnatural privation, give up huge swathes of their civil liberties and be ready to risk their lives on little notice); it's training them to *lead other*
teenage wastrels to do the same. Ever wonder how the mopey, half-educated, good-for-nothing teenager you see hanging out at the arcade or vomiting in your bushes on Friday night turns, inside a year, into someone one can trust not only maneuvering a $50 million dollar jet around a flight deck, or conning a
billion-dollar submarine, or stalking a terrorist hideout through the dark...

...but knowing, instinctively, how to kill the terrorists and *avoid* shooting the wrong people - in other words, having the ability to not only kill or be killed, but to exercise intensely deep ethical reasoning at the drop of a hat?

Because they have leaders who are able to teach them those lessons *by example*. [1]

And how do you train someone to defend a democracy, while simultaneously being a member of a military, an institution so fundamentally undemocratic that our founding fathers distrusted the very notion more deeply than any other inheritance from Britain?

You create an "elite", a warrior class that is, paradoxically, both a part of our society and yet removed from it; a society dedicated to things that the rest of our society either can't do (blow things up) or regards as mawkish or declasse (dedication to Duty, Honor and Country).

While I won't reveal the name of the person who asked the question, she is in fact a local leftist activist who is a key player in, among other things, Saint Paul's smoking ban.

Note to the original writer and her sympathizers (you know who you are): Given all the revolting caterwauling to which we're subjected by the Twin Cities' hard left, all the specious antiwar protests and other juvenile noise pollution that
constantly infest this city, I'd suggest a little toleration toward those who are defending your right to complain about cadets and their chanting.

Call it "embracing diversity".

[1] Yes, veterans, I know; it's the NCOs who do most of that. So sue me.

Posted by Mitch at November 21, 2005 07:03 PM | TrackBack

"Yesterday I was cutting down the remaining perennials at the garden at Summit and Mississippi River Blvd..."

I love it!!! You can't make up that beginning to a lib monologue!

Posted by: Brad Carlson at November 21, 2005 04:46 PM

Ah, jody chants. Brings back fond memories.

One of my favorites was one named "Blood makes the grass grow green."

I'm sure your leftie would have disaproved of that one, too. Tough. When you've got wars to be fought, call on soldiers, not tree hugging wimps.

Posted by: Bugz at November 21, 2005 04:47 PM


While I agree with you, frankly, I think you have about as much understanding of this as my 10 year old son does, because unfortunately you DON'T understand that leadership is not limited to officers, in fact, primary leadership is done by NCO's. The job of officers is to tell people what to do, the job of NCO's is to tell people HOW to do it, and to set that example.

It's funny how often people who are no more expert that the people they complain about, pretend to be experts.

Leave the expertise to folks who in fact, really are.

and I'll give as much deference to those who defend liberty as they deserve. If they conduct themselves with principal, they'll get my gratitude. Pretending you are the savior and "on the side of" the military because you embrace "jodies" is assinine. If you actually gave a damn about the soldiers, you'd have stood up and been counted when we proposed going to a rathole like Iraq with no plan for the aftermath.

Instead you followed along like the lemming you are and committed those troops you profess to love to a war based on at best bad information and in which success is very, very unlikely, in which their role will be mostly to act as live targets.

Pardon me, but your concern seems just a little saccharine. The next time you piss and moan about those on the left who stand up to defend the right and proper usage of our armed forces, please remember it is just such motivation that continues to ensure we stand up for right and good things.


Posted by: pb at November 21, 2005 06:08 PM

Endless approbation, expressing in 200 words when 20 would have sufficed. How did I know it was PB?

That's a pretty lame jody. The classic, absent the famed "Eskimo Kitty", is:

A yellow bird with a yellow bill
Flew onto my window sill
I lured him in with a piece of bread
Then I smashed his (commie/Packer/your choice here) head
The doctor came to check the head
INDEED! he said the (see above) is dead
The moral of the story when all is said
If you want some head you gotta have some bread

Posted by: Mr. Peeeanut at November 21, 2005 07:30 PM

PB: How do you define "proper usage of our armed forces?" I imagine it involves precision drills with white flags.

Posted by: Nancy at November 21, 2005 08:08 PM

I can safely say that the cadence in question is one of the milder ones I know of. We quite often run to much, much worse than that.

Posted by: Vymn at November 21, 2005 08:27 PM

The St Paul "local leftist activist" probably doesn't know any real men. I can just picture her husband (if husband it is)...he looks just like Steven Keaton, the dad on Family Ties who worked for a public broadcasting station...

Posted by: Colleen at November 21, 2005 08:44 PM

I'm guessing Colleen got the idea to slam the woman's husband from reading about how the lefties like to slam Michelle Malkin's husband.

Posted by: peter at November 21, 2005 11:27 PM


The NCO point aside, your argument that you are actually standing up for the troops falls flat on its face. Almost every soldier with time in Iraq believes in why we are in Iraq. They don't see themselves as only serving as "live targets" in a "rathole". They see the change for the better firsthand, whereas we only see what the media wants us to see (explosions, blood, etc.). So while you peddle the line of thought that our military is wasting its time in the desert, our soldiers, marines, etc. continue to believe in their mission and the people of Iraq.

Think about it, PB: what do those military guys know that you don't?

Posted by: Sixth Sense at November 22, 2005 12:01 AM

As someone who supports the smoking ban, I am not in the least offended by the audible chants of soldiers in training. In fact, I'm very proud of them and grateful for the fine job they do and the fine example they set.

Just keep your smokes at home please or pollute your own lungs out in a field somewhere.

Posted by: pinkmonkeybird at November 22, 2005 04:28 AM


"While I agree with you, frankly, I think you have about as much understanding of this as my 10 year old son does, because unfortunately you DON'T understand that leadership is not limited to officers, in fact, primary leadership is done by NCO's."

Right. That's why I wrote the bit at the end of the post about "knowing the NCOs do most of" the leading.

Got pedantism?

" The job of officers is to tell people what to do, the job of NCO's is to tell people HOW to do it, and to set that example."

I (and your ten year old) know that, Peeb. But this was not a treatise on military leadership. This was a slap against lefty Political Correctness.

"It's funny how often people who are no more expert that the people they complain about, pretend to be experts."

Except I wasn't claiming to be an expert. Or to put it in your style; "It's funny how often people who pretend to be deeply perceptive observers latch onto the completely wrong point".

"Leave the expertise to folks who in fact, really are."

Um, no?

"and I'll give as much deference to those who defend liberty as they deserve. If they conduct themselves with principal, they'll get my gratitude. Pretending you are the savior and "on the side of" the military because you embrace "jodies" is assinine."

Er, I'm not "embracing" "jodies". I'm castigating a leftist PC weasel.

It's a fine distinction, I know.

"If you actually gave a damn about the soldiers, you'd have stood up and been counted when we proposed going to a rathole like Iraq with no plan for the aftermath."

If you actually gave a damn about facts, you'd say what you mean by "stand up and be counted". If by that you're going back to the tired, cliched "chickenhawk" meme; yet again, Peeb, I was too old.

"Instead you followed along like the lemming you are and committed those troops you profess to love to a war based on at best bad information and in which success is very, very unlikely, in which their role will be mostly to act as live targets."

I'll forward this to some people I know over there. This should be interesting.

"Pardon me, but your concern seems just a little saccharine. The next time you piss and moan about those on the left who stand up to defend the right and proper usage of our armed forces, please remember it is just such motivation that continues to ensure we stand up for right and good things."

Er, when did the left "stand up" for any such thing?

They advocated surrender in the Cold War (after '72, at least), they sought surrender in the Gulf...

...where is this mythical "right use"?

Posted by: mitch at November 22, 2005 05:26 AM

Oh yeah, was a slam just like those the Malkins get...and is it a slam? Is it a bad thing to look like a left-leaning middle-aged public broadcasting station producer? Is that what you look like and so you don't think it's very funny? Is that sort of man the same as a warrior? Just some questions....

Posted by: Colleen at November 22, 2005 06:56 AM

Colleen said,

"Is it a bad thing to look like a left-leaning middle-aged public broadcasting station producer?"

Ummm... I have a question Colleen... Do you believe that the character that you are refering to is an accurate reflection of liberals?

Posted by: Doug at November 22, 2005 07:36 AM

PB: How do you define "proper usage of our armed forces?" I imagine it involves precision drills with white flags.

Posted by Nancy at November 21, 2005 08:08 PM

More like serving meals to Somalis and then quietly submit to being dragged through the street.

Posted by: Kermit at November 22, 2005 08:12 AM

Is it a bad thing to look like a left-leaning middle-aged public broadcasting station producer?
Posted by Colleen at November 22, 2005 06:56 AM

Yes. Especially when wearing round glassess and a bowtie.

Posted by: Kermit at November 22, 2005 08:13 AM

Glasses. PIMF.

Posted by: Kermit at November 22, 2005 08:14 AM

The claim of that as a cadence call sounds a little suspect. It doesn't seem to have much of a running rhythm to it. From ny experience cadences usually run in an odd number of syllables ("Ain't no use in goin'back (7), Jody's got your Cadillac (7)." or "We are the Navy (5), the Commie-stompin' Navy !!!(7)" or even "She looked good (3), she looked fine (3), and I nearly lost my mind (7).")

Actually to me it sounds less like a cadence call and reminds me more of the old Garrett Morris skit on SNL where he sings "Gonna get me a shotgun and kill all the whiteys I see". Of course, one can't really run or march on that song either...

Posted by: Just Me at November 22, 2005 10:44 AM

The rhythm seems off to me too, but the jodies we sang jogging to class across the Washington Ave bridge at the U of M back at the end of the Carter presidency generally had a 4-3;4-3 syllable couplet. "See the pilot, see him grin. He just napalmed..."

Pissed off the liberals then too. When I walked across with my son last year, ROTC had painted a couple of small murals inside the pedestrian way. Times change, not always for the worse.

Posted by: Rod at November 22, 2005 11:59 AM

I'm beginning to wonder if PB is actually a character Mitch uses as a foil for Socratic dialogue. No one can be that contrarian, clueless, and asinine in one package.

Posted by: JWW at November 22, 2005 12:24 PM

What, you're saying only Mitch could be that obstinate and contrarian?

Mommy? Is that you?

Posted by: mitch at November 22, 2005 12:28 PM

Doug said:

Ummm... I have a question Colleen... Do you believe that the character that you are refering to is an accurate reflection of liberals?

Do I EVER. And why do so many on the left start their comments with things like "Ummmm..." Are you 8th grade girls? "Like....ummm...whatever....".

Posted by: Colleen at November 22, 2005 12:40 PM

"but the jodies we sang jogging to class across the Washington Ave bridge at the U of M back at the end of the Carter presidency generally had a 4-3;4-3 syllable couplet. "See the pilot, see him grin. He just napalmed..."

Exactly Rod. It's still an odd number of syllables. From doing jodies you know that one does them as "See the pilot, see him grin"(repeat "see the pilot, see him grin") with seven total syllables, not "See the pilot" (repeat "see the pilot") "See him grin" (repeat "see him grin") like that lady proposed. The cadence is L-R-L-R-L-R-L breath on right to go from caller to group, then repeat L-R-L-R-L-R-L breath on right to go from group to caller. That's what makes me think that she made it up. The rhythm of what she claimed is way off.

The other possibility would be that our ROTC members really have their act together and can run on an even count cadence and make this liberal upset at the same time. Multi-tasking is sweet.

Posted by: Just Me at November 22, 2005 01:35 PM

Colleen, It's not about looking like Steven Keating. You suggested that the woman's husband was not a real man.

You wrote: "The St Paul "local leftist activist" probably doesn't know any real men. I can just picture her husband . . . ."

Perhaps it doesn't rise to the kind of abuse that's heaped on Michelle Malkin's husband, but suggesting that a guy is not a real man -- on very flimsy evidence -- is a knee-jerk slam, and a pretty harsh one.

I don't know the woman, or her husband. Mitch knows her -- at least from her writings -- and he limited his response to what she said -- not what she looks like, not what she wears, not the people who are close to her.

I think that smears directed at Malkin and her family are wrong -- on principle -- and I apply that principle across the political spectrum.

Posted by: peter at November 22, 2005 02:40 PM

Reminds me of one of our old Cretin HS ROTC marching chants before a homecoming football game against Hill HS.

We are Cretin
Mighty mighty Cretin
Sound Off
Win Cretin
Sound Off
Win Cretin
Bring it on down
Win Cretin
Win Cretin
Win Cretin...


Ah, the memories.

I suppose nowadays it would go

Cretin Derham
Cretin Derham
Let's score more points than Hill-Murray -- but not TOO many!


Posted by: wog at November 22, 2005 03:26 PM

Peter-I'm so very, very sorry. I forgot how sensitive liberal men are. I'm sure her husband ia a "real" man...just not a manly man. I'm sure. I'm double-dog sure. If there IS a husband, that is. And I don't know what kind of woman goes around being offended by military men who are chanting cadence (and, yes, I don't think Ms. Activist heard it sounds dumb and doesn't dad (wounded in Korea), told me SOME cadence...not many since most are not suitable for the "weaker" sex and especially one's daughter...). All men need to do is put on fatigues and a pair of boots and...oops, personal fantasy...nevermind...

Posted by: Colleen at November 22, 2005 08:22 PM

Colleen said,

"Do I EVER. And why do so many on the left start their comments with things like "Ummmm..." Are you 8th grade girls? "Like....ummm...whatever...."."

Hey Colleen, take a look up about 17 previous posts...

Some lefty named Mitch posted a response, "Um, no?"

I wonder if that is anyone we know...

Posted by: Doug at November 23, 2005 09:42 AM

One "M", bigfella. Minimalistic precision versus wanton overkill.

Please, do I have to do ALL the thinking here?

Posted by: mitch at November 23, 2005 01:22 PM

Right. There's a smart-ass quotient in the two "um's" and Mitch's doesn't meet it.

Posted by: Colleen at November 23, 2005 02:21 PM

I see... so when making comparisons to eighth grade girls and their use of ummm, one must be careful to distinguish between um and ummmmm. Certainly, the use of um, when rendered by such thoughtful and contemplative thinkers as Mitch Berg express maturity and well considered response whereas the use uf ummmm indicates immaturity and a political bias to the left.

Like Um, Whatever you say Colleen...

Posted by: Doug at November 23, 2005 03:47 PM


Deep breath.

Per spec tive.


It's OK. It's only a comment section.

Happy holidays, all.

Posted by: mitch at November 23, 2005 04:46 PM

You too Mitch...

Even to you, Ummmm Colleen...

Posted by: Doug at November 23, 2005 06:30 PM


Since about 89% percent of African American men vote liberal, where does that leave your Keating reference. Hell, Public Broadcasting has very little African Americans (another subject on the hypocrisy of that org), that seems to turn your hypothesis upside down.

Very few of them I know in Saint Paul would be mistaken for a sandal-clad, soy Latte'loving, proudly underweight, sporting out of style eyeglasses, Volvo driving Nancy pants.

By the way, Toby Keith is a Democrat.

Posted by: StPaul_DFLer at November 28, 2005 01:51 PM

And Toby Keith presumably isn't offended by the ROTC either. Not a small distinction here, the same difference between a Joe Lieberman and Howard Dean where one can at least have the respect of a conservative like me. I can respect Dems who opposed the war for various reasons, people like this lady...keep me firmly voting for anyone with an R next to their name in MN.

Posted by: Dave V at November 28, 2005 02:25 PM

Liberal here.
Did Army ROTC (Military Science) and football at the same time in college back in the late 80's and early 90's. Also, I'm black and look nothing like Alex P. Keaton's old man. The only thing I have in common with a guy like that is that we probably vote the same eventually.
All man, real man here too. I would challenge Colleen to go out one night in the Twin Cities area. See which guys are attracting the attractive women and which ones are not. Politics probably never come up, let alone if they care about horticulture or NASCAR.

Back to ROTC, in Spring of 1990, we had complaints from neighbors in our small Missouri town about some of the chants comings from us.
Of course we complied and removed the references to women, but not those on winning a fight.

Now if only those neighbors could have heard some of the stuff that came out of our mouths running drills for football. Lenny Bruce would've blushed. Of course ROTC didn't bring in the dough our Saturday afternoon games did, or the spotlight.

Those complaining neighbors turned out to be members of an organization that became the strong arm of the Christian Coalition, GOPAC trainees and, at the time Governor John Ashcroft's base.

Liberals aren't the only ones always offended.

Posted by: Eric at November 28, 2005 06:05 PM

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Posted by: Ethan Cole at December 9, 2005 09:46 AM
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