
November 21, 2005

Two Steps Back

Sisyphus from Nihilist twigged me to this story; an attempt to get a Senate resolution congratulating Bruce Springsteen on (or a few months after) the thirtieth anniversary of Born To Run was tabled in the Senate.

Bruce Springsteen famously was "born in the USA," but he's getting scorned in the U.S. Senate.

An effort by New Jersey's two Democratic senators to honor the veteran rocker was shot down Friday by Republicans who are apparently still miffed a year after the Boss lent his voice to the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry.

"Apparently miffed". Great reporting there.
Lautenberg said he couldn't understand why anyone would object to the resolution.

"Even if the Republicans don't like (Springsteen's) tunes, I would hope they appreciated his contributions to American culture," Lautenberg said.

Well, Springsteen's record sales and concert receipts over the past thirty years show that a lot of us, politics aside, do.

But as staunchly as I've defended Springsteen on this site on the basis of his music - almost none of which, historically, has been political - I'll back the Senate Republicans on this one.

(It'd be nice, though, if they'd have such attacks of spine over things like, oh, I dunno, resolutions to monitor the Administration's conduct of the war. You know, things that matter).

Corzine said he, Lautenberg and other Americans appreciated Springsteen's contributions to American culture.

"We'll never surrender looking for ways to honor our local hero who made it big in this land of hopes and dreams," Corzine said.

After four years of being held up without a gun by Corzine's high-tax, liberal-machine politics, I promise I'll sing a New York City Serenade if he is paraded through the backstreets of this hard land in a (Jackson) cage, forever; DC will be a lucky town indeed. If brains were weather forecasts, Corzine's would be "Empty Sky". But don't lose heart; from every factory or secret garden in Nebraska to the streets of Philadelphia, Corzine's reputation is going down into the fire. Perhaps he'll see the light of day.

Posted by Mitch at November 21, 2005 12:48 PM | TrackBack

And they said the Democrats aren't coming up with ideas.

I suppose if you unsnap Corzine's skullcap, between his ears you'd see a gap, and figure he'll be all right. Either that or put him in a bag and take him to the river.

Posted by: Night Writer at November 21, 2005 06:10 PM

As huge a Bruce fan as I am, I'm still frankly surprised that this resolution ever saw the Light of Day. I wonder if it was supported by Hillary Queen of Arkansas.

Posted by: chriss at November 21, 2005 11:25 PM

Oops, Mitch already beat me to LoD. But far be it from me to refer to the NJ Senatorial delegation as Jersey Girls.

Posted by: chriss at November 21, 2005 11:28 PM

Oops, Mitch already beat me to LoD. But far be it from me to refer to the NJ Senatorial delegation as Jersey Girls.

Posted by: chriss at November 21, 2005 11:28 PM

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