
November 01, 2005

Scratch a Vocational Opportunity

I used to think that if all else failed, I could hire myself out as a guide to people from Wayzata and Edina who were trying to get to a show at the Orway or Rivercenter or the Civic, in downtown Saint Paul.

For those of you from outside the Twin Cities, Saint Paul is traditionally a mystery to people from Minneapolis. Mark Twain once said "Saint Paul is the last city of the east, and Minneapolis is the first city of the west", and it certainly shows in their street grids; Saint Paul is chaotic, and the streets are mostly named rather than numbered (and even the few numbered streets have little rhyme or reason). Minneapolis has an ordered grid of numbered streets; each block is 100 addresses (so "4606 Blaisdell" is south of 46th street on Blaisdell), and so on. In Minneapolis, streets are east-west, avenues are generally north-south (except for in North and Northeast Minneapolis, where it's the opposite); in Saint Paul, streets cross streets, avenues appear for no discernible reason...

...all of which is potential gold. People from Minneapolis and the western 'burbs have always tended to find navigating Saint Paul an opaque, vaguely frightening experience.

Apparently no more:

"Now that hockey is drawing people down here, it's gotten to the point where people know where downtown St. Paul is, how to get there, how to get out, they feel safe. It's not some exotic trip to the end of the world."

Posted by Mitch at November 1, 2005 06:27 AM | TrackBack

I used to live in West St. Paul, which, as everyone knows, is due south of St. Paul. North St. Paul is mostly NE of St. Paul. And of course Harriet Island isn't an island. "Midway" is actually geographically accurate. You know you're a townie when you can find Kaposia at 2AM with six beers in your gut.
On the other hand I was well into adulthood before I drove to the int'l airport from St. Paul and discovered that it was right next to Ft Snelling. I thought they were about 20 miles apart.

Posted by: Terry at November 1, 2005 06:51 AM

Wasn't St. Paul designed by drunk Irishmen? Governor Ventura said it, so it must be true.

Posted by: Kermit at November 1, 2005 08:21 AM

I grew up in New Hope. At the time I graduated from high school I had been to St. Louis more times than St. Paul. My business partner grew up in St. Paul 6 blocks from the Lake St bridge and didn't go to Mpls until sometime in Jr. High.
Having now lived in both I consider myself "bi-riverbank"... just in time to move to Northfield.
The average Mpls resident knowing his way around St. Paul is the definitionn of cats and dogs living together.

Posted by: chriss at November 1, 2005 09:07 AM

I'm fairly certain that St. Paul was not built by drunken Irishmen, but rather madmen who planned to create a city based on non-Euclidean geometries that would summon Cthulhu from the Mississippi River...

Sadly, that plan never came to fruition because the diabolical dark priest got caught in a bunch of Iowans backing up 35E for miles and miles while trying to all shove down the Kellogg exit and missed the conjunction of the right stars...

Posted by: Jay Reding at November 1, 2005 10:12 AM

I grew up in south Mpls and St. Paul was a bit of a mystery to me until I went to college and got a job as a delivery driver. I don't remember the details exactly but on the first delivery to St. Paul I learned that the "100" block rules that were so rigid in Mpls did not apply there. Ditto for streets and avenues. I figured it out pretty quickly after a few WTFs and looks at the Hudson's book, but I still remember that initial profound incomprehension. I'm sure the look on my face was priceless.

Posted by: Dave E at November 1, 2005 10:50 AM

Don't worry, Mitch, there still might be a decent side-business, because there are still those of us who are 90% clueless about finding things in St. Paul. I can get to the Fitzgerald theater (sort of), the Xcel Center (and therefore the Science Museum), Northern Brewer (on Grand) and, well, nowhere else east of Midway without heavy map usage.

Posted by: Steve G. at November 1, 2005 11:36 AM

The only thing more clueless than someone from Minneapolis in St. Paul is someone from St. Paul just about anywhere else. I used to work with a guy from St. Paul who had never been west of HWY 100 in his entire life. He was in his early twenties. I also have some relatives from St. Paul who got lost in Ames, IA because they could not find 35E to take them home. True story.

Posted by: the elder at November 1, 2005 12:49 PM

There was a writeup about how the St. Paul city grid came to be following Governor Greedy's "drunken Irishmen" comment on Letterman.

Its because of free enterprise, you had all these land developers laying streets out any way they wanted to.

Posted by: Bill Haverberg at November 1, 2005 01:39 PM

Speaking of priceless faces; I wish I'd had a camera the first time I took a friend of mine - a fellow NoDak who had lived for almost a year in Minneapolis without spending much time in StPaul - downtown.

I still can see the look of dazed, perplexed confusion as he stood, Minneapolis preconceptions dissolving before his eyes, at the corner of Seventh Street and Fifth Street.

Posted by: mitch at November 1, 2005 01:43 PM

I can get from steaks at Mancini's to a seat in the Xcel to a barstool at McGovern's. Beyond that, I always end up going the wrong way down a dead-end one-way.

Posted by: Nordeaster at November 1, 2005 01:54 PM

I know how to get around downtown St. Paul, but I can't even begin to tell someone else how to do it. It may be because I grew up in Indiana, where South Bend is in the north and Westport is in the East. Oh, and French Lick isn't what you' expect, either.

Posted by: Night Writer at November 1, 2005 03:56 PM

We don't have too much trouble in St Paul (and we're from the far northern sticks), but somehow trying to get to the Keys on Roberts (is that where it is?) is far more difficult than it should be...also, trying to manuever onto Grand or Summit from around the Cathedral...we're always doing something goofy there...or maybe it isn't us. Anyway, the only way to go is by landmarks...forget street names!

Posted by: Colleen at November 1, 2005 09:12 PM

for the first time in my life, i live in a city with nicely alphabetized streets. and every-single-time i leave the house, i mix up Louisiana Avenue and Minnetonka Blvd. ::sigh::

i miss St. Paul.

Posted by: chele at November 2, 2005 06:08 AM
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