
August 12, 2005

The NYTimes Has Always Investigated Air America, Winston

According to Michelle Malkin, the NYT is finally looking at the Air America scandal.

Sort of:

After 15 days of silence, the New York Times has filed a thin little report on the Air Scamerica/Air Enron fiasco. But you need a magnifying glass to find it. Go the the homepage. Nothing there. Click over the National section. Nothing there. Find your way to the NY/Region section. Scroll way down past the featured stories.

Aha! There it is:

Bronx Boys Club's Finances Investigated

Of course, it's as tepid a piece of reporting as you might suspect of the NYTimes on Air America. Malkin catalogues the misquotes and omissions - read it all.

Brian Maloney has more:

To remove Franken's words and ignore key elements of this story, shows the New York Times has learned very little from its recent credibility scandals.

We kept our expectations low for good reasons, it turns out.

The Times did one thing, however: forcing liberals to come up with new excuses to cover for Air America.

No longer can they say it's a "made-up story", now that their newspaper has finally covered it, weeks after they should have.

That shuffling sound you hear is a thousand leftybloggers backtracking.

Posted by Mitch at August 12, 2005 06:30 AM | TrackBack
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