
August 12, 2005


The Fraters have been writing a lot about Michael Yon's coverage from Iraq.

So I'm going to jump on the bandwagon. Money quote:

After seeing the damaged Stryker, and being unable to visualize how human bodies would have to be arrayed in order to fit in what was left of it, I had to ask. I found Mark Bush and asked him how they all escaped being killed.

Without hesitation, Mark looked straight at me and said: "We had angels watching us."

My face must have given away skepticism, so he said to me, "Mike, did you see what it did to the Stryker?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Well, there is no other way to explain how we survived, except that Plum and Rat [a pair of platoon-mates who'd been killed in action earlier] were there, and they stopped the blast. I know they were there. Plum and Rat held up their hands to save us. They stopped the blast. They were there."

Read the rest of it. It'll make sense.

Posted by Mitch at August 12, 2005 06:10 AM | TrackBack

You see what people are made of, when Good and Evil, Life and Death, are breathing down their neck. We Americans are so blessed that our bravest sons and daughters still rise to the occasion when called. We almost don't deserve how good and descent most of these young men and women are. All I can say is God bless America.

Posted by: RBMN at August 12, 2005 09:00 AM

Get the facts on the Avian Flu (Bird Flu) and possibly even order some Tamiflu -

Posted by: Tamiflu is Bird Flu Protection at November 28, 2005 02:05 AM
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