
May 09, 2005

Posted Up

Arianna Huffington's new Designer Blog, The Huffington Post, is up.

Most of the pre-debut snarking was fairly accurate - it's a haven for Hollywood-left dilettantes, for the most part.

But the initial post brought back a long national nightmare.

Reasonable people can disagree on who was the best "Weekend Update" anchor on Saturday Night Live. I personally believe it was Dennis Miller (and in fact the years Dennis Miller and Phil Hartman were on the cast were the series' best years), but I can accept testimony that it may have been Chevy Chase or Norm MacDonald.

But there can be no doubt as to the worst "anchor" to ever sit in America's first fake news desk's anchor chair; Brad Hall. Yes, I know - it's a narrow, almost invisible gap between Hall and the abysmal, abortive team of Brian Doyle-Murray and Mary Gross, but Hall wins the "honors" for his stint at the end of the Dick Ebersol years of the early eighties.

I'd asked myself over the years, "whatever happened to Brad Hall", hoping that the rumors he'd been caught in a DEA drug sweep and was doing hard time at a federal pen in Nevada were true. But no, in fact, he's not only married to Julia-Louis Dreyfus, but he's co-posting with the missus in the inaugural day of the HuffPo.

So the good news is he's not still doing time in Nevada. The bad news is that his blog writing isn't any better than his fake news delivery; trite, snarky, sloganeering...

...maybe he should write for Kos?

Posted by Mitch at May 9, 2005 07:09 AM | TrackBack

Would that be Kos the blogger (aka Markos Moulitsas, IIRC) or Daily Kos the website? I'm told that he (or they?) considers it very important to make that distinction explicitly, at least when Moulitsas considers it desirable to maintain a plausible deniability. Reasonable people* may differ as to just how plausible that deniability is.

* Are these the same reasonable people who "can disagree on who was the best 'Weekend Update' anchor..."? Reasonable people have no idea.

Posted by: Doug Sundseth at May 9, 2005 05:27 PM

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