
February 24, 2005

Give Up A Little Bit

"Give A Little Bit" by Supertramp was one of the songs from seventh grade that I liked. At the time, I liked it a lot. It came out in the first thirty seconds of Supertramp's fifteen minutes of fame, long (why, a year or two, at least!) before the irritating "Take the Long Way Home" and the gloriously snide "Logical Song". It was a fun pop trifle, a fun, hummable tune.

The Goo Goo Dolls, trying to tack a longer tail onto the career bell curve, have done a cover, and not a bad one.

But the dogs of overexposure have been loosed. I'm trying to keep track of all the different versions of the song I'm hearing on commercials lately. I can not, of course, remember what commercials they were on:

  • The Eddie Vedder wannabee version, heard on Cartoon Network.
  • The guy who sounds vaguely like an accent-less Enrique Yglesias on a radio spot.
  • The woman who sounds like someone who sang on a tampon ad, on another radio spot
  • The woman from the spot on NBC who sounds a little like Bjork
And counting.

Posted by Mitch at February 24, 2005 08:32 AM | TrackBack


The acoustic guitar intro is easy to stumble onto while farting around, and is really really cool-sounding right out of the box. Therefore, everybody wants to play and sing it.

This happened with a guy I play with sometimes. We quickly abandoned it though because the singing is as easy to screw up as the guitar part is to play.

Posted by: Brian Jones at February 24, 2005 12:11 PM

I remember about a year ago hearing a Supertramp song on the radio and wondering why there hadn't been more covers of their music and a resurgence of popularity (these things usually being cyclical). Be careful what you wish for, I guess. Now they're everywhere!

Posted by: chriss at February 25, 2005 12:53 AM
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