
February 24, 2005

The Only Problem with Michelle Bachmann...

is that she doesn't live in the Fourth CD.

She's announced she's running for the Sixth CD seat.

I've met Bachmann. She's a sound, solid, very conservative candidate. Look for the left to throw the word "moderate" around like it's going out of style.

It's going to be an interesting race.

Posted by Mitch at February 24, 2005 08:04 AM | TrackBack

That's a feature, not a bug.

Michele Bachmann probably couldn't win the MN 4th CD.

Posted by: Mark at February 24, 2005 09:57 AM

I'll take her over the rest running. Wishing her luck. On the other hand I don't know her on the issues. What I do know is she pissed of some real liberal loosers. Nuff said.

Posted by: Mike at February 24, 2005 11:53 AM

This is good news! It will be my pleasure to cast a vote for Michelle. Sad to see Mark go but if we can get both Michelle and Mark into US office Minnesota might not be the MOST embarrasing state next to Massachusetts and California in terms of who we elect.


Posted by: John Gall at February 24, 2005 12:33 PM

Michele is a jewel. I don't make a habit of donating to political campaigns (at least not cash), but I've written a check.

The real problem is that we are going to have a very tough time filling her shoes here back home, and they will need filling.

Posted by: Swiftee at February 24, 2005 01:29 PM

City Pages has an excellent article on Michele Bachmann.

I'd encourage people to stop by - and comment on Dumpbachmann. Feel free to defend her over there. I happen to think she's bad for the Republican Party. Others may disagree.

Posted by: Eva Young at February 24, 2005 08:08 PM

From the City Pages article:

"Bills were deliberately not taken up because of the marriage issue," Bachmann noted in a letter to supporters posted on a local website. "We had lost the battle, but encouraged one another that our God would be victorious in the end."

Hardly a record to recommend her for congress.

Posted by: Eva Young at February 24, 2005 08:10 PM

Actually, she's precisely who I want in Congress, especially given the rank idiocy of Sabo and McCollum.

Posted by: Gurewicz at February 24, 2005 08:29 PM

You know, it's funny, the presence of Michele Bachmann in the race makes me want to open up my checkbook, too....

Posted by: Jeff Fecke at February 24, 2005 10:50 PM

Why do you support Bachmann? What about her makes you think she'd be an effective congresscritter?

Posted by: Eva Young at February 24, 2005 11:02 PM

Because she passes the Liberal Annoyance Formula.

The Liberal Annoyance Formula is a direct relationship: the more effective a conservative is, the more annoyed liberals grow.

Posted by: Paul at February 25, 2005 12:56 AM

I'm not that sure that "the more effective a conservative is" applies to Bachmann. One of the reasons (and there are MANY reasons) that Republicans in the Minnesota House took a beating in the last election can be traced to her. By refusing to drop (or even compromise on) the gay marriage issue, it caused the "do nothing legislature" appearance and Republicans paid the price. Remember: it does no good to win the battle and lose the war.

Posted by: Just Me at February 25, 2005 07:49 AM

Michelle is treated like a rock star by the Republican faithful in Washington Cty. But I have to wonder if she has name recoginition along the I-94 corridor to St Cloud. Also, if the MN-GOP doesn't reverse the losses in the last election, her residency on the far eastern edge of the district leaves her vulnerable to being re-districted out of her seat in 2010.
I have to agree with Mitch, as I live in an odd corner where Michelle is my State Senator and McCollum is my Representative. I wish the MN 4th could produce a candidate of her caliber - or that the MN-GOP would get smart enough to spend the money running a John Kline style campaign, running the same candidate for several election cycles to build name recognition. I realize that they need to invest in winnable races, but at least get a long term candidate and have them give regular press conferences highlighting what McCollum is doing and what they'd do differently.

Posted by: Rod T. at February 25, 2005 08:04 AM has more information about Michele Bachmann and Bachmanalia links.

There's also that is pro-bachmann.

Posted by: Eva Young at February 26, 2005 08:36 AM

I want to see Bachmann run so that her record of grandstanding and working to solve problems that don't exist will get more publicity. Her latest bill is another case of conservatives playing the victim card in academia.

Posted by: Mike Haubrich at March 9, 2005 06:52 AM

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Posted by: Seka Aleksic at May 6, 2006 01:34 PM

It seems like people think that Bachmann's strongest qualification for office is that she annoys liberals. We complain about Congress doing, about the dirtiness of politics, etc. Why would we not want someone who 1.) stick up for what they believe, but also 2.) be able to work with other people.

Can you really see Bachmann working with the Dems?

For me, that's a big strick against her.

My checkbook is staying closed.

Posted by: Mark at May 6, 2006 02:33 PM

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