
February 17, 2005

Unkept Promise

Last week I promised that I'd do a liveblog of the Nick Coleman show.

Still haven't done it. Mornings are a very crazy time in the Berg house.

However, I have a plan. There will be a liveblog/audiofisking within the next week.

I love it when a plan comes together.

Posted by Mitch at February 17, 2005 08:04 AM | TrackBack

I briefly tuned in Nicolai this morning, just before 8:00. The synopsis is: ahhhhhh...treason. That's why I call them ahhhhh right-wing wingnuts. ahhhhhh..Bloggers! ahhhhh..Hiderocket. ahhhh play the hidrocket sounder. Top of hour news.

Blurb about how the UN human rights commission thinks they should start war crimes trials in Iraq. Changed channel.

Posted by: Loren at February 17, 2005 08:30 AM

Sorry, both those references should be Hindrocket, not hide- or hid-rocket.

Posted by: Loren at February 17, 2005 08:31 AM

First in the car at 7:30. Poop. Semen. Poop. Other body fluids, etc. He wanted, last week (or was it 2 weeks ago?) for people to report on KQ. This was the AM equivalent of KQ.

Then, as reported, he WENT OFF on PowerLine. Name calling and other general vitriol.

Posted by: Shawn Sarazin at February 17, 2005 08:52 AM

That sounds like something that you and your sniveling anonymous cowards with crowbars who are part of the right-wing noise machine would do Mitchell. You and your droogies can try to triangulate your wing nut daisy chain of blogs and brown-shirted radio station in order to dismantle the progressive foundation of our state and turn us into another Alabama, but all the character assassination and name calling by you egomaniacal sewer rats with little lives won't stop me. Just remember, I'm nobody's monkey.

Posted by: Mr. I. Nosstuff at February 17, 2005 10:00 AM

Heeeere, nick nick nick.

Take the nice peanut.

Throw poop at Powerline. GOOD MONKEY!

Do the droogie triangulation wanker trick! GOOD MONKEY!

Have a peanut!

Posted by: Mr. Monk E. Traynor at February 17, 2005 10:10 AM

I think it's hilarious - he spends half his show talking about other radio stations, blogs, the Pioneer Press...

It's like "let them pay for their OWN promotions, dude!"

Posted by: Stiller at February 17, 2005 12:51 PM

Mitch, live blogging Nick at Day, if confined to the substance of the broadcast, should look something like this:
Liveblogging Nick Coleman-

That's all for now. Next week, Al Franken's comments on Wittgenstein.

Posted by: Kerry at February 18, 2005 05:49 AM
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