
February 17, 2005

Excessive Joy

I'm sure this would never be allowed in the US:

WHEN 35 Greenpeace protesters stormed the International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) yesterday they had planned the operation in great detail.

What they were not prepared for was the post-prandial aggression of oil traders who kicked and punched them back on to the pavement.

This next quote is priceless:
“We bit off more than we could chew. They were just Cockney barrow boy spivs. Total thugs,” one protester said, rubbing his bruised skull. “I’ve never seen anyone less amenable to listening to our point of view.”
Barge into my office. Wreck my business. Take money out of my family's pocket with your pseudo-scientific, agenda-driven drivel.

Why would they not be "amenable to listening?"

(Via Tim Blair)

The story is a gift that keeps on giving.

They had a plan, oh yes indeed:

Greenpeace had hoped to paralyse oil trading at the exchange in the City near Tower Bridge on the day that the Kyoto Protocol came into force...When a trader left the building shortly before 2pm, using a security swipe card, a protester dropped some coins on the floor and, as he bent down to pick them up, put his boot in the door to keep it open.

Two minutes later, three Greenpeace vans pulled up and another 30 protesters leapt out and were let in by the others.

They made their way to the trading floor, blowing whistles and sounding fog horns, encountering little resistance from security guards. Rape alarms were tied to helium balloons to float to the ceiling and create noise out of reach. The IPE conducts “open outcry” trading where deals are shouted across the pit. By making so much noise, the protesters hoped to paralyse trading.

In a PC-addled city like New Yawk, San Francisco or Minneapolis, you can see this working.

Fortunately, this is London:

But they were set upon by traders, most of whom were under the age of 25. “They were kicking and punching men and women indiscriminately,” a photographer said. “It was really ugly, but Greenpeace did not fight back.”

Mr Beresford said: “They followed the guys into the lobby and kept kicking and punching them there. They literally kicked them on to the pavement.”

Last night Greenpeace said two protesters were in hospital, one with a suspected broken jaw, the other with concussion... Protesters conceded that mounting the operation after lunch may not have been the best plan. “The violence was instant,” Jon Beresford, 39, an electrical engineer from Nottingham, said.

“They grabbed us and started kicking and punching. Then when we were on the floor they tried to push huge filing cabinets on top of us to crush us.”

Before I get the inevitable self-righteous hissy in the comment section; violence is bad. Don't do it.

But yow, this was fun to read.

And when I get to work, I'll look at that file cabinet in a whole new light.

Posted by Mitch at February 17, 2005 08:00 AM | TrackBack

Oh my, that IS refreshing! And the Greenpeace weenies didn't fight back eh? What a surprise....they can flap their mouths but that must be about it.
Tonight in our area we will have a similar (without the violence I hope!) comeuppance for the MN DNR when we have a meeting of citizens tired of the "state" taking and controlling publice forest lands. The DNR wants to close off huge areas to ATV's in the name of "saving" them from the public. It's not going over well and the venue for this meeting has been changed 3 times due to expected attendance. It will be in the Warroad hockey arena-local manufacturer Polaris is closing their night shift so that employees can attend if they want to. Could be a couple thousand that turn out and the "state" is going to get an earful.
I have a co-worker who is a liberal. Higher taxes, state can do no wrong, blah-blah-blah. I really like this individual as a person but oh, he can be smarmy. He's one of a handful (the rest being the DNR employees themselves I think!) on the other side. He likes to walk and doesn't want to see paths in the forest...and don't get him started on the Holy Grail of tree-huggers...wetlands (swamps)! Anyway, when we talked about this meeting yesterday at work he was worried that the people of our area were going to say something stupid (meaning redneck and ignorant) and make us look bad on TV! Talk about typical elitist CRAP.
Anyway, sorry to go on so long...I hope this tied in at all to the subject at hand!

Posted by: Colleen at February 17, 2005 09:16 AM

How is it londoner's can beat the crap out of Greenpeace invaders, but be prosecuted for defending ones self against a burglar?

Weird country.

Posted by: rick at February 17, 2005 12:44 PM

Rick ... beer was involved. Never get between an Englishman and his enjoyment of a daily pint. Never.

Posted by: mdmhvonpa at February 17, 2005 02:51 PM


Man, what I wouldn't give to have a decent beer-shandy.

Posted by: Rick at February 17, 2005 04:16 PM
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