
November 05, 2004

Long Weekend Continues

More light posting today - new furnace, plus a Hewitt show later today (5-8 Central, AM1280).

And that whole "long weekend" thing. It occurs to me that I take very little time off from much of anything; I haven't had a "vacation" longer than a long weekend since 1995. Part of it is that I've spent the last three years working as a contractor - and vacation pay comes out of my own pocket. But even before that, when I had paid vacation time, I spent most of my "vacation" time on kids' sick days. Maybe next time I do a fulltime gig, I'll have to try one of those newfangled "weeks off".

Oy. It's my break from blogging, and I'll bet I put in 1,000 words on not blogging. I"ll stop now.

Well...for a while.

Posted by Mitch at November 5, 2004 05:53 AM | TrackBack