
July 04, 2004

This Would Be Extreme

The editors of Shot In The Dark in no way condone this sort of thing, or even joking about it:

Not funny. Not funny at all.

UPDATE: Actually, it's really not funny; Charles Johnson at LGF has more:

Clowning around with a loaded weapon: check.

Not looking where the weapon is aimed, while clowning around: check.

Finger on trigger while performing above-mentioned stupid actions: check.

Pretending to be a credible candidate for President of the United States, while acting like a complete moron with a loaded weapon: check.


Posted by Mitch at July 4, 2004 06:34 PM | TrackBack

I would only assume you would be suckered in by a depth perception optical illusion.

Talk about getting desperate!


PS: Did you see the one of Bush with the book upside down:

or the caps still on the binoculars:

Posted by: Flash at July 4, 2004 09:47 PM

Did anyone capture video of Kerry being this dangerous/stupid with a gun?

Posted by: Gideon at July 4, 2004 09:53 PM

You know, I intend to vote for George Bush in November, and I'm no big fan of Kerry, but this is ridiculous. Maybe you know more about the context in which that photograph was taken, but to me, it looks entirely possible that he was looking away for a moment; his finger is most assuredly off the trigger, and neither you or I know whether his shotgun was loaded.

It's just a goddamn shame that we have to put up with this crap on our side. We get enough with cretins like Moore and Chomsky, don't we?

And your story was picked up by Little Green Footballs, as I presume you know. There's some real intellectually stimulating conversation going on over there in the comments.

It's enough to make me want to sit out the election. I mean, you and the morons at LGF are on "my" side? Great.

Posted by: Robert at July 4, 2004 10:16 PM

Flash: Of COURSE the top photo is an optical illusion. Doesn't mean we can't get a chuckle.

Robert: First off - the first rule of firearms is "the gun is always loaded". Even if you know it's not. And his finger is NOT off the trigger. If his vision and piece are not trained downrange, his index fingers should be completetely on the trigger guard.

As to the rest of your comment, Robert - oh, give it a rest. I run a sober, straight-ahead blog 99% of the time. I have a little fun with a picture, and suddenly you're comparing me with Charles' commenters? Sheesh.

Posted by: mitch at July 5, 2004 12:00 AM