
July 04, 2004

Kicking Dogs

Laura from the Hennepin County for Bush campaign writes:

Worked the Edina 4th of July Parade for Bush today and one Edina volunteer brought her beautiful golden retriever festooned with Bush placards. No sooner did the parade start than the dog was firmly kicked by a Kerry supporter. I kid you not a woman kicked our George Bush mascot dog. When asked “Did you just kick my dog?” the woman relied “Yes, I did! Get the hell out of here and get George Bush the hell out of here too!” Nice. Probably a member of PETA ironically enough.
On the one hand, it's just pathetic; kicking a dog.

On the other...

Yes, during the Clinton Adminstration, there were Republicans who were unhinged by hatred for the Clintons.

But they were the extremes of the party. The mainstream of the GOP certainly didn't like Clinton - and for good reason - but there is no way to compare what the mainstream felt with the spittle-flecked, genuine hatred that seems to dominate the Democrats today.

I challenge anyone to show me genuine hated this widespread, say, eight years ago. Hint: Dissent does not equal hatred - the very existence of Rush Limbaugh does not in itself constitute hatred (much as the likes of Hillary! seem to think it does).

The challenge is out there. Prove me wrong.

Posted by Mitch at July 4, 2004 05:19 PM | TrackBack

THAT would have precipitated a fight. Nobody kicks my dog! A Golden at that- gentlest dog ever.

Posted by: tim at July 4, 2004 09:45 PM

You've got it there, Tim. Anyone who kicks my dog is going to get their ass well and truly kicked--what a fucktard of a DemonRAT!

Posted by: John Cunningham at July 4, 2004 11:09 PM

I'm going to have to hunt that woman down and beat the Democrap out of her.

Posted by: Ebeth at July 5, 2004 10:09 AM

I have a 132 lb German Shepherd. Find that woman for me and let's see her kick Luke!

Posted by: Rikkor at July 5, 2004 03:00 PM

Anyone who'd kick a Golden would likely think nothing of kicking a child or an old person. They're some of God's gentlest, most good natured creatures.

Posted by: Scendera at July 5, 2004 03:16 PM

What absolutely astounds me is that you DID NOT BEAT THE LIVING CRAP out of her!!! Why did you do nothing to protect and avenge your lovely dog you cowardly pacifist!!! That Bitch would have DIED had I been there!

Posted by: Cynthia at July 5, 2004 03:30 PM

I would have gone to beat the shit out of persons I saw to harm a lovely dog. How could you not stand up for you sweet dog. No wonder they walk on us all over we do not not fight them back!

Posted by: Bonita at July 5, 2004 03:33 PM

You dressed your dog up, took him to a parade and someone kicked him because of signs YOU placed on his back . . . and you did not even feel compelled to defend him and beat the crap out of the bitch that kicked him . . . don't know which is worse, her or YOU!

Posted by: Luke at July 5, 2004 03:41 PM

Did you at least file a criminal complaint? There had to be plenty of witnesses to the fact this woman was in no way threatened by the dog, and since it was a parade, there had to be plenty of law enforcement handy, as well.

Posted by: DesertDreamer at July 5, 2004 03:47 PM

Seems like the volunteer's fault for dressing her dog up. Don't get me wrong, I like Bush, but you gotta be careful these days. Don't give the Demonrats any fodder.

Posted by: bushophile at July 6, 2004 09:35 AM

What a bull story...more ru"puke"ican lies lies lies.

Posted by: Laura Bush at July 6, 2004 10:10 AM

No, genius - it's a dog story.

And Democrats are, almost without exception, both incipiently violent and too stupid to be allowed to drive, much less vote.

Posted by: Charles in Charge at July 6, 2004 11:46 AM

Wow---this is hard to believe! Usually it's the Republicans who harm animals Not loving Dems!

Posted by: proud demo at July 6, 2004 03:38 PM

I am a Mensa member, have a high IQ (have had it tested) and am a peace loving Democrat. I would, however, beat the living crap out of anyone that harmed an animal. I really do not know any fellow Democrats who promote or practive violence, but I guess I should be used to the typical lies and generalizations spread by Republicans on boards like these. So pathetic.

Posted by: Ryan at July 6, 2004 03:55 PM


I'd like to think that most Democrats aren't especially violent - in fact, I know most Democrats are fairly normal folks. That being said, I've seen some gross exceptions..

In the run-up to the first Gulf War, I saw a group of lefties attack a group of campus Republicans who were demonstrating in support of the war. They spit on them, hit them, threw red paint or dye at them - the works.

Since you're a "Mensa member", you should know the difference between a "Generalization" and a specific incident. Since this incident should be fairly easily verified, and was reported by a person known to me, you're on very thin rhetorical ice calling it a "lie", and just plain wrong calling it a "generalization". Indeed, you're the one generalizing; "typical Republican lies", indeed? I'd ask you to show me where the "lies" are, but you can't.

What does your supposed "Mensa membership" have to do with anything?

Posted by: Mitch at July 6, 2004 06:48 PM

WTH do people think sometimes!?


Had I ever seen a dog festooned with Clinton/Gore '96 posters the last thing I would have ever thought to do is kick it.

And I couldn't stand, much less fathom, the though of another 4 years of Bubba at the time...

Posted by: Paul in AZ at July 12, 2004 04:44 PM

My wife once kicked my dog. My EX-wife that is.

Posted by: Klaus at July 12, 2004 04:46 PM