
June 22, 2004

The Gauntlet Is Thrown

If you read Fraters Libertas, you're aware that their claim to fame a solid winning record at Keegan's Pub's weekly Thursday triva bender. They've decorated their site with a row of Guinnesses, like the side of a World War II fighter, one for each win. It's fair to say they're the dominant franchise. Happy to say, I've played my role in two of those pints of joy, as a ringer on the team.

Now, it's time to get the challenge in gear; I'll be there on Thursday night with the Minnehaha AllStars - comprising Anoka Flash from Centrisity, a few other surprise guests, and myself.

Come down early and catch the fireworks (or, if some of those surprise guests fail to surprise, join the team!)

Posted by Mitch at June 22, 2004 06:29 AM

As John Kerry might say: Bring It On.

Posted by: the elder at June 22, 2004 07:41 AM

What kind of trivia?

Posted by: PJZ at June 22, 2004 07:59 AM

PJZ - it's a 25 question quiz. Mostly bonehead simple stuff, although there's always a stumper in there.

Elder - er, that's exactly what we're doing!

Posted by: mitch at June 22, 2004 08:26 AM

Less talk, more walk. When you say bonehead simple stuff, I assume you refer to questions such as what was Madonna's first number one hit? Sling It John.

Posted by: the elder at June 22, 2004 01:33 PM

I DID mention, IYRC, "stumpers".

Hey, you guys are 2/3 with me in the lineup, and the one loss was a heartbreaker.

Besides, I'm not the one talking; I've made no predictions or claims.

It's all walk from here out, baybee.

Posted by: mitch at June 22, 2004 01:56 PM

*humming the Jeopardy theme*

The Doctor will be in the house as well!


PS: Who's Madonna?!? *laughing*

Posted by: Flash at June 22, 2004 03:04 PM


Could it be that you are the "Bartolo Colon" of the Fraters Trivia Team?

Posted by: James Ph. at June 22, 2004 03:22 PM

"surprise guests," huh? You mean, you're going to have some women with you? THERE's a surprise.

Posted by: Brian Jones at June 22, 2004 03:26 PM


Your exuberance is looking at "rational" in the rearview mirror.


I prefer to think of myself as "the Elder of the Minnehaha Allstars".

Posted by: mitch at June 22, 2004 04:00 PM

Whoa, let's not get a big head or anything here Mitch. The Elder gets his titles the old fashioned way.

[John Houseman voice]

He earrrns them.

[/John Houseman voice]

The Elder likes referring to himself in the third person.

Posted by: the elder at June 22, 2004 04:26 PM

What, you mean there are trivia questions every Thursday at Keegan's? I guess I've always been too drunk to notice. I'll try to stay sober until 8:30 this week so we can bring home yet another Fraters victory.

Posted by: Atomizer at June 22, 2004 10:39 PM

The Elder gets his titles the old fashioned way?

Ummm, can we say ............


Posted by: James Ph. at June 22, 2004 10:39 PM

What time does it begin? And how easy is it to join in?

Posted by: PJZ at June 23, 2004 05:11 PM

The fun begins at 8pm PJZ and joining the fun is quite easy. All you have to do is by a round for the guys with the all the hardware. (That would be us)

Posted by: the elder at June 23, 2004 05:56 PM

Hmm, I should be able to get out of the office before 8pm. Thanks Elder.

Posted by: PJZ at June 24, 2004 08:00 AM