
October 28, 2002

Something About Harry - Andrew

Something About Harry - Andrew Sullivan on Harry Belafonte's corrosive bigotry.

Again, the simple test here is the following: If a conservative had used these expressions, would it have been denounced by liberals? The answer, obviously, is yes. Imagine if George Will had called Colin Powell a "house slave." Imagine if Pat Buchanan had called Barney Frank a "nasty faggot." Imagine if Trent Lott had called Hillary Clinton a whore. Do you think they'd be invited on "Larry King Live" to further elaborate on their comments?

Very, very few liberals call such expressions what they are any more: bigotry. Left-wing homophobia is now having a resurgence -- in Democratic ad campaigns and political discourse. Left-wing racism is now so common it scarcely bears mentioning. "Stupid White Men," anyone? Left-wing misogyny directed at women who dare to differ from certain political positions is endemic. Left-wing anti-Semitism can be found on campuses across the country. At anti-war rallies, copies of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" are openly sold. [Emphasis is Mitch's]. All these unsightly trends exist on the right as well, of course. But who on the right has said anything recently as offensive on racial matters as Belafonte, in his remarks about Colin Powell?

It's amazing - and predictable. The left gets away with saying, and believing, things that would get any conservative justifiably pilloried. Anti-conservative black, anti-conservative-gay, anti-conservative-woman...

Add this to the "Conspiracy" post, below, and you have to ask yourself - where is our "objective" media?

Posted by Mitch at October 28, 2002 03:56 PM