
October 31, 2002

Can't Make It Up Fast

Can't Make It Up Fast Enough - Years ago, there was a rash of airplane hijackings by Islamist terrorists who threatened to kill themselves and their captives if their demands weren't met. I sprang into action and hatched a plan - equip aircraft with sprinkler systems that, when tripped, fired a spray of liquified pig fat throughout the plane.

Devout Moslems believe that contact with pigs, pork, pig byproducts, or apparently footballs will get them rejected, Studio-54-style, from Paradise.

Of course, I wrote my idea off as impractical, both technically and theologically; any Islamist terrorist that can ignore Quranic rules against, say, killing the innocent, probably won't have much problem with the pig thing.

So imagine my shock when, today, I read that the Russians plan to bury the Chechens who died at the Theatre siege last weekend...wrapped in pigskin.

Teaching Moment: when the urge to get that patent strikes you, follow it

Posted by Mitch at October 31, 2002 02:22 PM