
December 07, 2002

War Comes to Stanley -

War Comes to Stanley - Again - This front-page above-the-fold story from Saturday's Strib about how Pearl Harbor and 9/11 came together in Stanley, North Dakota was strangely affecting to me.

If you've never lived in an isolated little prairie town, it's hard to describe how these sorts of things work.

Read it. It's good. And on this, the 61st anniversary of Pearl Harbor, it's good to keep these things in mind.

Freedom - real freedom - doesn't come cheap.

Whole Lott o' Problems Every time I criticize Senate Majority leader Trent Lott, I get email - good, solid, reasoned email from rational, thoughful readers of this blog, the kind I'm proud to know are clicking on "Shot in the Dark" - who point out that Lott's frequently been pilloried by a media that's fundamentally unsympathetic.

And yet, we have incidents like his comments at Strom Thurmond's 100th birthday party which have to make you wonder - where are his priorities? What is he thinking?

Republicans are even starting to wonder about Lott.

Posted by Mitch at December 7, 2002 08:48 PM