
January 21, 2003


David Horowitz has a scathing rebuke of the organizers of last weekend's rallies for totalitarianism.

He discusses the organizers' Stalinist sympathies, and their over-generosity in figuring the attendance.

But he also does something I've seen nobody else do - call prominent Democrats on the carpet for their associations with ANSWER and other Anti-America movements (all emphasis mine):

Another striking fact about this march in support of global terrorism was the presence of prominent Democrat officials on the platform. In San Francisco, the most powerful Democrat legislator in the state John Burton screamed, "the President is full of shit" and that the President was "fucking with us," while encouraging the general sentiment that America rather than Iraq was the outlaw state. In Washington, Democratic hopeful Al Sharpton attended and DC ex-congresswoman Cynthia McKinney read a speech with the following claim: "In no other country on the planet do so many people have so little as they do in this country." This from a person who notoriously commandeered a taxpayer-funded limousine to take her from her townhouse one block to her congressional offices every morning.

More disturbing by far was the presence of two of the most powerful Democrats in Congress, the potential head of the Ways and Means Committee, Charles Rangel and the potential head of the Judiciary Committee John Conyers, who is of course the author of the Reparations Bill and the icon of the Communist organizers of both marches. Rangel's appearance was especially troubling because he has been a nightly face on TV news shows presenting himself as a patriot and a veteran (he served fifty years ago in Korea) who wanted a military draft so that all America would be invovled in the nation's defense. His critics thought he had other agendas, like using conscription to sabotage the war effort. Apparently his critics were correct.

Before you jump to any conclusions - yes, I know there are Democrats who aren't actively anti-American. And "supporting the war" isn't the only bellwether of Americanism.

Here's the point: It would be absurd for me to tar all Democrats with that brush; it would be equally absurd for Democrats to ignore what the presence of Waters, Rangel, John Burton and Cynthia McKinney at the demonstrations represents.

Horowitz continues:

Americans who care about their country and its future should think about the following. This anti-American pro-terrorist movement is now larger than the anti-Vietnam pro-Communist "peace" movement was until the very end of the Sixties. Yet there is no draft. Before the draft the anti-Vietnam movement was very very small. Its demonstrations were numbered in the hundreds of participants, not even the thousands. The first big manifestation of the anti-American left was the Stop the Draft March in Oakland in 1965, which was four years after America's involvement in Vietnam got serious.

The second thing Americans should think about is the fact that this anti-American support movement for America's enemies has deep roots in the Democratic Party. I am a firm believer in the two-party system. I find it extremely worrying, therefore, that one party can no longer be trusted with the nation's security. This problem will not be easily fixed. But it won't be fixed at all unless attention is drawn to it, and we cannot do that unless we stop the charade of calling this a "peace" movement and recognize instead that it is anti-American movement to divide this country in the face of its enemies and give aid and comfort to those who would destroy us.

The "Divide America" movement - that could be a good nickname.

Posted by Mitch at January 21, 2003 06:44 AM