
January 25, 2003

Shocking - This story from

Shocking - This story from Powerline nauseates me.

An Iraqi man, clutching files to his chest, jumped into a van full of UN "weapons inspectors" today. As the "inspectors" watched and the man begged for help, Iraqi security pulled him from the van and dragged him away to an uncertain - but probably dismal - fate.

Powerline had this to say:

CNN adds that the man appeared "agitated and frightened," and yelled "save me, save me" as he jumped into the U.N. vehicle. CNN also describes the U.N. "inspector" who, "watched from the passenger seat, unfazed" as the Iraqi guards dragged the man out of the vehicle. So now we'll never know whether the man was a nut or someone with valuable information to offer. The U.N. had no interest whatever in finding out what he had to say. And now any other Iraqis who might be thinking of approaching U.N. "inspectors" with information that might interfere with the U.N.'s pro-Saddam agenda will know better.
Some of the current analysis posits that the current "weapons inspection" fiasco will lead to the eventual irrelevance of the UN. Yesterday, it was a wonky, procedural point.

Today, it's written in blood.

UPDATE: Instapundit's also on the story:

I guess the U.N. wouldn't want to give would-be Iraqi defectors the idea that doing so might be, you know, safe. The guy had a notebook. I wonder what was in it?

I suppose he could be just a common garden-variety nut, but he doesn't look like one in the picture, and we'll certainly never know. But the message was undoubtedly received by any potential defectors: approach us, and we'll hand you over.

Can we charge the inspectors with "material breach?"

I believe the charge we want is "aiding and abetting".

Posted by Mitch at January 25, 2003 12:42 PM