
January 26, 2003

Hussein's Preparations - According to

Hussein's Preparations - According to the BBC, Iraqi opposition groups are providing evidence that Hussein is equipping the Republican Guards to fight a chemical war.

Iraq's Republican Guard and Special Republican Guard are among the recipients of special suits and atropine, according to the documents.

A former arms inspector, Bill Tierney, told Today that "if both these two units have new equipment, then it would indicate that they are prepared to use chemical weapons".

The report of Iraqi war preparations is bound to intrigue UN weapons inspectors, the BBC's Rageh Omaar reports from Baghdad.

According to a UK Government report last year and UN inspectors' findings, Iraq has undeclared stocks of VX and sarin nerve agent. It is thought Iraq could deploy such chemicals quickly.

"Intrigue" inspectors? Like they'll acknowledge them?

Posted by Mitch at January 26, 2003 12:08 PM