
January 28, 2003

A Few Good Men -

A Few Good Men - Former Marine Richard Botkin has an excellent article in the current World Net Daily on those who, a week and a half ago, left ports on the east coast for "Southwest Asia". The whole article's worth a read. But having re-immersed myself in SLA Mashall lately, this paragraph struck me:

When I think about the pending war, I think of the protesters, the appeasers, the America haters, Sean Penn, Tom Daschle, Bill Clinton, the French. The only thing the peace-at-any-price crowd has in common with the few warriors who will be at the absolute tip of the spear when hostilities begin is that neither group wants to go to war.

America will win this war against evil. Complete victory this time is the only option. It will be won with or without the support of Al Sharpton, with or without the support of Hillary Clinton, with or without the support of the Germans and the Chinese, and with or without the support of every Hollywood dimwit who thinks sacrifice means drinking grapefruit juice for breakfast.

This war against evil will be won because of who is going to fight it. Armed to the teeth with 21st-century technology, schooled and thoroughly trained in the latest tactics, the on-paper edge goes to our side. Far more important though than all of the precision weapons and night-vision equipment is the firmly rooted culture of victory and sacrifice and duty of our nation's Marine Corps.

Botkin being a former marine, the article lionizes the Corps. He's entitled.

But the same description holds for the rest of the people on their way overseas as we speak. It's not just the weapons, or the numbers - if it were, the Soviets would have trounced Finland in days in 1940. It's who we're sending that makes the difference.

Posted by Mitch at January 28, 2003 03:33 PM