
October 01, 2003

Chaitred Revisited

According to HughHewitt, Jonathan Chait has referred to the Powerline gents and I as "drooling right wingers," and "incoherent right-wing knuckle draggers."

Hewitt says:

What is curious, however, is why Peter Beinart is allowing a much respected magazine to be hijacked by a feverish writer resorting to the sort of tactics associated with the paranoid of both right and left. A loose cannon like Chait may be a subscription magnet for the crowd, but hardly representative of the writing style that has marked TNR for its many decades of responsible commentary.
Detailed reply tomorrow.

Until then, here's Chait's original article (pour yourself a drink, it's a long one), here's my response, and here's a post linking to all of Powerline's commentary. You decide who's the drooling knuckledragger - or merely the petulant pseudointellectual who's trying to justify his two-year tantrum.

'Til then, I'sa gonna go git all likkered up, shine me some deer, and club me some wimmins.

Posted by Mitch at October 1, 2003 03:41 PM