
October 03, 2003

The Times - The LA

The Times - The LA Times, that is. How anyone can look at the example of the Los Angeles Times, and still claim that the mainstream media isn't utterly, completely, committedly liberal, is beyond me.

Medved had an excellent series of points about this today (note to Medved: Start posting the key points from your show on your website. Better yet. start a blog, a la Hewitt. Heck - hire someone to do the blog for you. For a nominal fee, I'm available...); when Juanita Broaderick came out publicly to charge Bill Clinton with...harassment fondling talking about porn movies creating a "hostile work environment" rape, the LA Times spiked the story. More telling still, they even excised mentions of the case from a George Will opinion column! And yet this "story" - these anonymous women telling unsubstantiated (or in some case, long-debunked) stories are not only covered, but get breathless, unquestioning front page treatment!

Speaking of Medved - he had an excellent, moving apologia for Limbaugh's apparent, alleged addiction on his show today. He described the process of the operation - which includes drilling into and attaching equipment to the patient's skull; I wanted to pop a couple of T3s myself by the time he went to break.

More on the Limbaugh flap later today or tomorrow.

The Monkeys carry a useful digest of LA Times-related coverage in the blog world. And while I can scarcely get overly analytical about football even when I'm bored, much less with the Twins in the AL playoffs, the King from SCSU Scholars has a a great perspective.

Posted by Mitch at October 3, 2003 06:00 AM