
October 03, 2003

Hatch Back In The News

Hatch Back In The News - Mike Hatch? Dishing out patronage?

Well that's what Republicans in the Legislature think:

"It was a staple in small-town newspapers from Stillwater to the South Dakota border last year: a local activist appointed to a task force formed by Attorney General Mike Hatch to study health care or other consumer issues.

In each case, the appointee was a legislative candidate from Hatch's DFL Party.

Republicans were quick to accuse him of using his office for partisan advantage, and they have kept it up long after the task forces faded into history along with the November elections. On Wednesday, state GOP leaders called on Ramsey County prosecutors to investigate whether Hatch illegally destroyed public documents relating to the task forces."

Hatch, long a gadfly to the GOP and the only DFLer among the state's elected Constitutional Officers, has allegedly been playing dirty tricks all year long to try to impugn the Pawlenty Administration; making hay out of budget cuts to the state Gang Strike Force, claiming that the administration favored releaseing sex offenders to the general population and that several administration and state GOP officials' ties to NewTel and NewAccess were shady, and of course the American Bankers brouhaha.

"Developing Hot", as Drudge says.

Posted by Mitch at October 3, 2003 06:01 AM