
October 03, 2003

Chalabi - Reding covers Ahmed

Chalabi - Reding covers Ahmed Chalabi's speech to the UN, an event that was greeted with deafening silence elsewhere:

"To those who stood with the dictator and who continue to question the intentions of the American and British governments in undertaking this liberation, we invite you to come and visit the mass graves where half a million of our citizens lie, come and visit the dried up marshes, come and visit Halabja where chemicals were dropped on civilians, come and examine the lists of the disappeared whose right to live was taken away from them by Saddam Hussein. And we the Iraqi people will ask you why you chose to remain silent. [emphasis mine]."
It'll be interesting, seeing history's verdict on Chalabi. The mainstream media seems obsessed with painting him as a power-mongering puppet of Halliburton, or a con man using Iraqi's misery to further his own agenda.

Posted by Mitch at October 3, 2003 06:00 PM