
October 05, 2003

What If Bustamante Held a

What If Bustamante Held a Press Conference, and Nobody Came... - Lefty blogger "Hesiod" ponders the deeper meaning of Bustamante's "boycott" of a gubernatorial debate:

"And when I say 'boycott,' I'm not just talking about Cruz Bustamante. He invited ALL of the other 'major' candidates to join him in an unscripted debate...outside of the planned venue. You see...the planned debate they will be avoiding, is the one where the candidates all got the questions in advance. [Thus explaining why Arnold agreed to appear].

The best part is that the other candidates mostly agreed with Bustamante!"

"Hesiod" seems to think this is a smart campaign move for Bustamante, and a problem for Schwarzenegger.

In a normal election, maybe. But this election isn't about any single issue, or even a small group of issues, and especially not about what Cruz Bustamante thinks about them.

For the nearly 2/3 of Californians that plan to vote for the recall, it's about getting rid of Gray Davis, and his administration's detritus (including Bustamante).

They could debate nonstop from now until the election, or hole up in a hotel in Oklahoma for all the good either one will do them. It's about ending the mismanagement, stirring the malaise, throwing the bastards out in the great American tradition.

A former boss of mine would have referred to the debate as "turd-polishing".

Posted by Mitch at October 5, 2003 10:55 AM