
October 06, 2003

Cry Quagmire! - Didn't the

Cry Quagmire! - Didn't the Administration plan for this?

Riots shake Minnesota State University, Mankato: "James Franklin, Mankato's public safety director, called the disturbance 'almost a classic textbook case' of 'riotous behavior.'

He said it lasted about five hours, from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m., and Mankato police were unable to contain it early on. Franklin cited the heavy drinking as the primary cause.

University President Richard Davenport told a news conference on Sunday afternoon that some students might be suspended, but Denise Schlake, vice president of student affairs, said some might face expulsion.

Some witnesses accused police of taking too long to act forcefully, while others accused police of overreacting.

'We had to use force only and when the situation was totally out of control,' Franklin said, adding that police donned riot gear only after the crowds got out of hand and fires had been set in the street.

Most of the arrests were in connection with disorderly conduct and obstructing legal process, but one person was arrested on a charge of third-degree riot. Authorities released no names but said only 20 of the 45 people arrested were students at Minnesota State University, Mankato, formerly known as Mankato State."

It's clear that the state's policy in Mankato is unravelling before our eyes. We need to bring in the international community, since our government is clearly incapable of maintaining order in Mankato.

The left warned you!

Posted by Mitch at October 6, 2003 02:20 PM