
October 07, 2003

Krugman Alert - A look

Krugman Alert - A look in Sunday's Book events calendar in the Strib shows that Paul Krugman will be appearing at Ruminator Books in St. Paul this Saturday night.

This begs the question - anyone want to put in an appearance?

Regular reader SS writes:

perhaps Mr. Krugman could get a "warm" reception from the Northern Alliance. What better time to come together? If he's actually reading, or
even talking about his book, you could do the "hold a newspaper up in front of you" thing, or the less obvious "turn your back to the speaker" thing. Then there's always the "golf clap" or to hiss and boo at him and throw tomatoes at him as he is doing his Bush-bashing shtick. Maybe he's just in to sell books and sign them for the prematurely grey haired Birkenstock wearing Volkswagen driving intellectual crowd, and not to talk, but I bet you could bait him into a shouting match very quickly.
Hm. No tomatoes, thanks - but some sort of appearance might be in order.

So I'll put this out to my fellow muj in the Northern Alliance - any ideas? Could be a fun excuse for that Loya Jirga we've been batting about...

Posted by Mitch at October 7, 2003 06:02 AM