
October 07, 2003

Bias Alert Redux - Wishful

Bias Alert Redux - Wishful Thinking? - This story appears on Yahoo news:

"California's recall election looked too close to call hours from the start of polling on Tuesday in a race for governor in which Republican muscleman-turned-Hollywood-film-star Arnold Schwarzenegger sought to unseat technocrat Democrat Gray Davis.
Too close to call?

The Stanford-Hoover/KnowledgeNetworks poll says:

The latest findings are based on interviews conducted between Sept. 26 and Oct. 4 with likely voters in California. The survey was done by Knowledge Networks ( in collaboration with the Stanford-Hoover group.

The poll showed continued support for the recall with approximately 59 percent still in favor of the recall and support for Schwarzenegger increasingly slightly to 43 percent.

Too close to call?

Sure - anything can happen. Elections are unpredictable. But I've seen nothing that could rationally, empirically indicate that the election is "too close to call". The Yahoo story shows us nothing to change that.

The Yahoo story continues:

What began as a Republican-led protest vote over Davis' handling of the state's economy and recent energy crisis has become a referendum on Schwarzenegger, especially his alleged groping and sexual harassment of women."
Has it?

I'd suspect that for the majority who'd seem to be getting ready to vote to recall Davis, it's about anything but "alleged groping".

Just a hunch, of course. We'll know tomorrow.

Posted by Mitch at October 7, 2003 06:22 AM
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