
October 07, 2003

Moron Today - Er, I

Moron Today - Er, I mean, "Moore on Today".

The lying liar author and filmmaker appeared on the Today show a few minutes ago, with Lester Holt, pimping his new book, Icky Poopyhead Republicans Dude, Where's My Country?". First the surprise - Holt threw Moore a couple hardballs, or at least a few questions that had more stuff than the usual agent-friendly pap that greets Moore on these press tours.

Moore set the tone right off the bat:

"This is all about regime change on Pennsylvania Avenue...I have such faith in the American people that once they realize that they been lied to - people dont' like being lied to - when they find out they've been lied to, it won't be about Republicans or Democrats any more.
So unlike last fall, when the Republican pretty much had their way, and Moore was in a petulant tizzy about it.

Holt asked Moore how he felt, given the sometimes hostile receptions he's gotten lately: "I don't consider that. I just speak my mind, even when it's uncomfortable for me, even if I'm not in the majority at the moment". He contradicts himself later, of course - but we'll get to that later.

Holt tripped onto my favorite topic - the "climate of hatred" that Moore is creating and exploiting - in this case, hatred of George Bush.

"It's not hatred - I don't think he wanted this job to begin with. He's there to finish his Dad's unfinished business, which is to enact the the policies, and put the people there, who make sure the rich get away with as much money as they can."
All starndard-issue cant so far - the kind of stuff you can hear at any coffee shop in walking distance of Macalester College..

But then Moore swerved off the deep end.

Holt: "Let's talk about the war on terror."

Moore: "We being manipulated with fear... There is no terrorist threat to this country."

Holt: [looking mildly dumbfounded, but quick on the uptake]: "Well, there's a body of evidence that suggests you're wrong - about two miles from here."

Moore: "It was a horrible tragedy, but there's been no threat since then."

Holt: "Well, does that mean we're winning the war on terror?"

Moore: "There will always be bad people. [Moore cited an incident in Michigan in the 1920's where a man blew up a school, killing nearly 40 students and teachers - as if a madman with dynamite is the same as hijacking planes and ramming them into buildings]. They'll always be there. But we can't undo our constitution because there's an occasional horrible incident..every time you use 9/11 that way, you dishonor the dead"

Words fail me. Draw your own conclusions.

Holt continued:

Holt: "Are you out of touch with the way America is thinking today?"

Moore: "No, the right is way out of touch".

Holt: [trying to get an answer] "OK, but are you out of touch on the left?"

Moore: "Look, if you go down the list of issues [which Moore proceeds to do, reading off a list of un-checkable statistics on the American peoples' approval for various liberal pet causes], the American people are very liberal. I'm the mainstream!...Americans just don't like liberal leaders. The look at Gray Davis and go Jeez, is this the best we can do? The majority of Amercans are liberal!"

So, is Moore really in the majority, or is he actually just speaking his mind no matter what?

It's going to be a crazy year.

Posted by Mitch at October 7, 2003 08:47 AM