
October 08, 2003

False Sanctimony - A group

False Sanctimony - A group of liberal churches has filed suit against the Minnesota Personal Protection Act, claiming the law violates freedom of religion and property rights, as well as the constitutional process.

The suit - filed by former US attorney and former would-be Senatorial candidate David Lillehaug, a parishioner at the church that has led at least one legal action against the MPPA - probably has a slim chance of succeeding:

"David Gross, a former Minneapolis city attorney now in private practice and a member of Concealed Carry Reform Now, said he doubts that the argument will succeed in court.

'They [gun law opponents] may not like it . . . but it is my understanding that the Minnesota House was well aware of the requirements of the Minnesota Supreme Court,' he said. 'They [House members] were following the recipe that the [court] has laid down.'

Gross also said he doubts that the religious groups can prove the new gun law deprives them of such a significant use of their property as to be found unconstitutional.

'The state, in those same parking lots, now regulates the minimum parking space size and [provision] of handicapped parking,' he said."

The local anti-concealed carry sites and Citizens for a Supine Safer Minnesota haven't addressed these suits yet.

Maybe that's a good idea.

Posted by Mitch at October 8, 2003 02:50 AM