
February 19, 2004

Firstest With The Mostest -

MPR - Johnny-come-latelies that they are - are horning in on the Northern Alliance's act, looking at Chris Lydon do do a national show about political blogs, according to the Boston Glob:

"It's just possible that Chris Lydon's current gig as a fill-in host on Minnesota Public Radio's 'Midmorning' show could lead to bigger things. According to spokeswoman Suzanne Perry, MPR -- which produces such significant national programming as 'A Prairie Home Companion' and 'Marketplace' -- is starting to think about developing a national show about politics and blogging that would be hosted by Lydon, the former host of WBUR-FM's 'The Connection.'
Filling Kacklin' Katherine Lanpher's shoes is one thing.

But the piece doesn't mention Lydon's feelings about going up against the Northern Alliance Radio Network:

'We're always exploring new national programs,' Perry said. Reached yesterday in Minnesota, Lydon said, 'First, it's not that cold. Second, there are real radio professionals [here].
Yup. We'uns all clean up reeeal good.
Third, they're wildly interested, as I am, in the Internet extensions of media.' "
Read: "It'll be like "This American Life", with Josh "ua Micah" Marshall replacing Sarah Vowell.

More as details warrant.

(Via Spitbull and Fraters)

Posted by Mitch at February 19, 2004 05:04 AM